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Half-life 2 And Lost Coast Get

THE AWESOMENESS.   A former BZP member just gifted them to me. :3 Thank you verrrry much.   And also thanks to Erebus who reminded me to accept his friend request lol.   So now I have even more reasons to clean my hard drive, woo!



Gonna Need A Bigger Recycling Bin

New years resolution: CLEAN MY HARD DRIVES.   I was downloading Wall-E off iTunes and ran out of space on BOTH my internal drives. D:   Which is really funny because I saw the cutest 1 TB External HD ever at RadioShack this morning.   Soooooo, time to clean out all the crud I put on those things over the years, like, for example, this lovely rtf file I dug up:     Or this:     And also a truckload of banners that I made prior to signing up on BZP that actually fit within the old signatu



Happy 2010

Yeah I am still denying that this is actually 2011.   But let's all have a good year. =)



Every Villian Is Printers

My printer was in the middle of something VERY IMPORTANT when it decided to chew up the first page (which ironically was still perfectly readable).   Now it appears to have a paper jam that cannot be fixed without disassembling it.   And I can't disassemble it because the case has microchips and wires attached to it. :<   I've lost count of all the broken printers and scanners I have piled up.



Last Day Of 2009

What do you mean it's the end of 2010?   I still feel like it just started. ._.



Trackmania Nations Forever

Anyone else have it? I just got it on Steam and it's pretty cool. :>   I'd be playing it more but I'm too busy with the awesomeness of the game mentioned in the previous entry.




I found a copy of Link's Awakening DX that actually has working save files!   YESSSSSSSSSSSSS   I can finally beat the Bottle Grotto. This means so much to me. ;_;   Best game ever.[/arbitrarycomment]



Semi-homemade Pharaoh's Quest Banner

(1,280px × 960px)   Made this okay-ish gimp edit and turned it into my new banner. :>   Background is this pyramid panorama with this for the sky. Yay for Wikipedia. The Lego set pictures are by me, of course.   <3 Pharaoh's Quest so much.



Cyber Rex

Oh snap not another quick moc     Been meaning to build this for soooo long.



Santa = Batman

So I was thinking, how does Santa go down chimneys when they may have a fire underneath? Obviously, his suit must be fireproof.   Who else has a fireproof suit?   BATMAN.   Santa can also sneak around buildings without being noticed. Who else does that?   BATMAN AGAIN.   Bruce Wayne is obviously a fake identity used to throw off people trying to figure out who he really is.   This makes perfect sense.



Merry Christmas =)

Hope you're all enjoying yourselves. ^____^   So what's my loot?   4 Pharaoh's Quest sets: #7307 Flying Mummy Attack, #7325 Cursed Cobra Statue, #7326 Rise of the Sphinx and #853176 Skeleton Mummy Battle Pack (Also the Scorpion Pyramid is supposedly along the way but it's backordered) #7598 Pizza Planet Truck Rescue #3845 Wild Wool (AKA Shave-A-Sheep) TOY STORY 3 ON DVD YES An iTunes card to go with the others I haven't used yet because I dunno what to get Some nice warm clothes Snowshoe



Final Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 24

Merry Christmas Eve! Here's the last item in the City Advent Calendar, along with some pics of the full set:   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  Finally, you put on some clothes, Santa! And you have one nice train engine too. It's nice in it's simplicity, and packs the look of a steam engine nicely into the small scale.     So how does the train work with three cars? It doesn't follow the tracks all that well, but it's still pretty easy to control.   Also, can you fit



Screw Weight Watching

I'm baking cookies for a man who is already morbidly obese.   Also the Last Advent Calendar entry will be coming in a minute.



O Stormy Night

Whooooooa   It's a mix of Carol of the Bells, O Holy Night (or What Child is This? I can't tell) and the Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time!   AWESOME.   And speaking of storms, I'm gonna have one on Christmas night. :3 I just hope that won't knock my power out again. >_>



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 23

Sorry for the delays, I spent most of the day setting up my Christmas tree. It's looking really pretty. :3   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  Well I found this pretty ironic. I got a Lego tree on the same say I set up my family's! It's pretty impressive for an advent calendar tree, and much better than the last one I got in 2008. It's pretty similar to the 2009 calendar's tree, only less barren, and a little better shaped. I don't really like the square trunk, though, but



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 22

Only two more days after this. I really hope all these advent calendar images I've been embedding recently have not caused lag for anyone. Oh well, here's more lol.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  Looks like a police helicopter. Unlike most of the other vehicles in this calendar, this one does not seem to be based off any particular LEGO City set, but does have the general appearance of the larger helicopter sets.     Speedo Clause is making his getaway! He'll be ba



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