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Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 21

It is now officially Winter. =) Time to enjoy it before it's January and winter just gets depressing, lol.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  And here's another train car to go with the red one from day 19. It's built exactly the same way, so there's not much new to say here other than how well a train of cars can follow the tracks. They actually follow them pretty well, but I'm not sure if that will change when more cars are added.   Now let's get that disturbing Santa ou



Moooooooooooooooon (pics)

I gots pics! :3   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/C-N/Photos/..._eclipse_01.jpg   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/C-N/Photos/..._eclipse_02.jpg   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/C-N/Photos/..._eclipse_03.jpg   Sorry for the blur, this camera was not made for night pictures, let alone pics of celestial objects. Believe it or not, though, New York had one of the best views of the eclipse. Even NASA's live camera couldn't see the moon with all that overcast.   Also you can see a star next to the



Total Lunar Eclipse

First of it's kind since 1683!   Holy WHAT.   ...Too bad it's in the middle of the night. Oh well, too stressed out to be tired anyway.



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 20

Day twenty already! only 5 days till Christmas.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  A bulldozer similar to day four's crane. It's likely based off the recent set #7685 Dozer. I don't think I like this one as much as the crane, but it's cool. Yuo can push snow with it.     Or maybe presents but I don't have any built right now. :b



Winter Break Goal

So, you know my recent mocs section in my signature? 4 out of 5 of the topics in there are, like, extremely old, because I haven't moced in a long time.   SO, I plan to refresh the list entirely, so that the first link, which was added yesterday, will be the last link on the list. And do it all be the end of January.   So expect some nice mocs from me soon. :>



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 19

I guarantee this day's model is not as disturbing as yesterday's.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  This appears to be an open train car. It's basic, but looks pretty nice. Also, there's a spare wheel, which is really great, cause I lost one from another set years ago.     As you can see, the printed tracks are carefully designed so that the train wheels fit on the rails. I'm not sure how well the trail can follow them until I get another car, though.   So uh, there's



4-player Lego Robo Champ

You know Robo Champ, right? It's the only LEGO game that only goes up to 3 players, unlike most others which can go up to four. That's kind of an awkward number, so I adapted the game a little for four players.     More details inside!   For the most part, a 4-player Robo Champ game can work the same as the standard 3-player version would. There are, however, a couple changes you'll need to make to the rules, but first, you'll need an extra robot. Because the game involves trading parts wi



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 18

Today you will learn why you're supposed to be asleep when Santa comes.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  It's so that you don't see him bathing in his speedo.   I have no idea what the designers were thinking when they made this, but you gotta admit it's kinda funny.     I don't think you should be letting this man in your house.



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 17

ALMOST done with my last college semester for the year! But by professor won't know if I take a quick break to post this...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  This is ... a shower. I'm not really sure why it's included when the box's diorama is for a living room, but yeah. It also comes with spares for each knob and the two shower head pieces.     I wish I could do this when my snowmen pick up dirt from the ground.



Pridak Is A Messy Eater

Remember when images of him came out and everyone was like "OMG BLOOD" and Lego was all like "NO IT'S NOT BLOOD IT'S JUST NATURAL COLORATION"?   Fun times, fun times. I wish we had a few more sets with that color scheme.



(makeup) Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Days 15 And 16

Sorry for not blogging this yesterday, but I've just been really busy finishing up college work. My last day is tomorrow though. =D   DAY 15 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  A table, obviously. Not really the greatest design, but some furniture is nice. Lamp shade is a weird shape, but it works, I guess. I'm just not sure why there would be a lamp on a table that you're supposed to sit at. What it does need is FOOD.     LOTS OF FOOD. DAY 16 » Click to show Spoiler -



Some Archeologist You Are, Mr. Raines

Exhibit A: Throwing lit dynamite into a pyramid   Exhibit B: Shooting a door open and then throwing more dynamite   Exhibit C: Oh dear Ra again with the dynamite   Once again LEGO's heroes seem more evil than the "bad guys."



Andy's Room Made Of Lego?

OMGGGGGGGG   This is incredible.   See the whole thing!   Also the advent calendar review for today will be posted tomorrow cause I'm hecka busy.



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 14

So I had snow last night. =D It wasn't a lot, although it sure did make the roads slippery...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  This should be the last of the family figures in the calendar. Both her head and torso are new pieces for 2010, although not uncommon in City sets.   Also, that bread piece is cool (no spare bread though, but there was extra hair). I think it's stale, though, since it's hard as plastic.   Maybe you can't eat it, but it'll make good firewood.  



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 13

Lol, my last three entries have been about this. I think I need more stuff to blog about.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  It's another toy vehicle, this time it's a firetruck. It's pretty cool, although I think I liked the other toy vehicles better. Also, there's this big gap in the middle which looks weird, but it opens up some cool possibilities.     WHEEEEEEEEEE



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 12

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  Today's model is a log sled, along with some logs for the fireplace and an axe. The short, round one was used as a stand for the axe, but that looks silly, so I moved it. Also, no, you cannot sit a minifig on the sled, but you can stand one on it.     Mr. Mapleton is about to answer an important question: Can you light a snowman on fire?     YES, YOU CAN.



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 11

Man, I haven't been looking forward to Christmas break this much in years. When do you get off? Mine's in about a week. WORK CRUNCH TIME GOOO.   But back to the point of this entry...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  Here we have a fireplace. Build is simple enough, but looks great. I'm not sure why it's placed on a 4x4 round plate, but hey, it's a cool piece. Also, note that the fireplace is lit. Santa is going to be nice and warm when he visits this house. And if that



You Know What Professional Sports Need?

Power-Ups.   Games would be sooo much more interesting with banana peels on the court, speed boosts for runners, projectiles homing in on the other team....   Oh and also the good old Blue Shell.



Lego City Advent Calendar Review: Day 10

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «  This seems to be the father of the kids from previous days. Looks pretty standard, but that V-neck sweater piece is actually pretty rare, only appearing in two sets, the other one being the hard-to-find #8404 Public Transport Station.   And as you might have expected, he comes with a spare hairpiece. So you can put it on the kid too...     Whoops, wrong kid.



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