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(yes I meant to spell it like that.)   This game is FUN. I need to buy the full thing. 0:   Also apparently it gets confused when you play Cryoshell's Bye Bye Babylon and assumes it's another song under the same name, loool.



Lego City Advent Callender Review?

I have this rule of mine: do NOT think about Christmas until Thanksgiving is over. If you say this is still too early, you probably haven't been to any retail stores in a while.   BUT ANYWAY, you know how some people with LEGO blog sites often get an advent calendar and then make a blog about what they get on that day? Yeah, never saw anyone do that here, so I was all like, "hey, why don't I do it?" (My apologies if anyone did and I never noticed. )   Of course I'll spoiler tag the stuff th



Consume Poultry

Like a Pilgrim.   But ugh I feel a stomach bug coming on. Today is NOT a good day for that. D:   Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Thanks to all my friends here and everyone who made it a beautiful community. Y'all rock. =)



Steam Wishlist?

Making one right now, because, to quote Takuma:     SO, I've got this so far:   1) Darksiders 2) Gmod 3) Left 4 Dead 2 4) Half-Life 2 5) Plants Vs. Zombies 6) Portal 2 (filler)   Need 4 more. Recommendations? Preferably nothing too Mature (Okay I guess 1 2 and 4 are mature but at least they aren't sexual or anything). Oh and don't say TF2 because unfortunately it does not run on my PC. ;-;



Killer Croc, Killer Prices

Man, if I kept some of my rarer figs in mint condition, I could make a fortune. Looked up prices for Killer Croc today, they cost $35, at least.   Shame no one's selling just the torso. That's all I need for my WIP Sobek minifig. D: And maybe some green hands too, assuming those exist.



Adios, Earbuds

Well I lost my third set of earbuds recently. They're probably under some junk or something, but I can't care to look for them because now I have some real headphones. :3   How does it feel to be forgotten, you sorry excuse for portable soundwave emitters? >=(   Sooo right now I have these headphones hooked up to my PC speakers, just to make my freak of nature speaker collection even more ridiculous.   d^^b



Hidden Treasure In The Closet

Look what I found!     It's an old LEGO container that was packaged with some Adventurers sets. I got mine in 5909 Treasure Raiders. Good times, good times.   Speaking of good times, my sister got the LEGO Robo Champ game. It's actually more fun than it seems at first, but you may have to make up some rules as you go. Also, it only has three players, but I'm thinking of adding a fourth, so if I do I'll blog about it.



Toa Of Void?

Would someone kindly fill me in on why this seems to be a popular idea for a new element?   Better yet, why do we need any more?   Thanks in advance.



Lego In Pac-man?

(This is from the new Pac-Man Championship Edition DX version, on XBLA and PSN.)



Lgd Expansion

Who else wants to see it happen?   I'd love a separate forum for MOCs, at the very least. Maybe some other creative forums (art, stories, etc.), and a split for sets and games, too.



I Am So Weird

When I eat pop-tarts, I eat off the sides, then take off the bottom crust and eat it, then it fold the frosted part over and eat it.   Am I the only one who does this?



Ferrus Knows His Internets

So I was playing some Spirit Tracks and came across this:     I dunno why, but that made me lol. Didn't expect that in a Zelda game, I guess.   He also says "woot!" while you're riding the train with him.



Help I'm Stuck On A Roof.

(640px × 480px)   Apparently if you have a golden hammer in Onnet, and jump towards the roof of the yellow building at the right angle, you'll get stuck there.   I have no idea how I did that, and I can't seem to repeat it either. :/   Also, Sheik's Beam Sword is epic.



Shutter Shades

What is the point of these things?   I might as well attach window blinds to my face, then I would be hip and cool.



My Guinea Pig Tried To Eat My Watch

I swear, if I ever let these guys out of the cage, they would eat the whole house. Do they ever get full?   They're too cute to get mad at, though. :3



Speaker Overkill

Let's see...Two satellite speakers with sub-woofer connected to computer Small iPod dock with four built-in speakers Monitor with built-in speakers Additionally, I have about five open speaker outputs on my PC. If only I had the wires, I could make myself a makeshift surround sound set with all this junk. XD



I Keep Having This Awesome Moc Idea

Yeah, I don't know if I can actually pull it off, so I won't say much, but I've been thinking of a large model that combines four common LEGO themes. The problem is that I can only think of three:   *City/Town *Castle (which would include stuff like Pirates and Ninjas, btw) *Space   Any advice for the fourth theme? =/



Lego Racers 3 Needs To Be Made

I mean seriously.   Needs to be more like Racers 1 than 2. Open race world was an okay idea, but it left the environments kinda uninteresting after a while. Also, no destructible cars. That just left people with fewer bricks at a disadvantage. Also, tighten it up. Both games were kinda loose in terms of control.   Also, do NOT tie it to the Racers set theme. It needs a truckload of different themes in the game, from various years. Make it like the Smash Bros. of LEGO, in terms of variety



16:9 Ocarina Of Time Without Emulator

Well sorta.   This TV has a view option called "S.Stretch", which takes a 4:3 image and stretches it in a sort of fishbowl perspective. That sounds weird, but with 3D games, you can hardly tell it's distorted:         It's the next best thing to Ocarina of Time HD. :3



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