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Rock Smash

How come it's such a weak attack in Pokémon games, but it's like insanely powerful in SSBB?   Seriously, Boss Battles mode is a total sweepfest when you use Charizard. Not that I'm complaining, it's fun. :3   EDIT: whoops I put this in the "Real Life" category. You think that means I play too many video games?   NAY.



Lego Thriller!

Made by the very awesome Powerpig.   Now if you'll excuse me... *SUGAR RUSH*



That Explains Everything

Also I have way more candy here than I could hand out in one night. So if I start going crazy, blame the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.




So like, I got a new HDTV (apparently only 720 HD, though :|), which happens to have a VGA port.   So you know what I did? Plugged my PC into it, duh.   Now I have my Wii and PC hooked up on the same desk, and can switch between them whenever I want. And of course the PC plays DVDs, so I guess that means it's a DVD player too.   But the best part? It has an open HDMI port. My geek dream of having an all-in-one Wii/PC/PS3 is one step closer to reality. Now I just need the PS3.



Spirit Traaax

This game is lots of fun. :3   Good to see that Zelda is actually playable for once. Too bad she acts like a complete sissy, though. >.> Other than that I don't really have any complaints. Oh and the train is fun. Especially the whistle.



The Best Idea Ever

This is what happens when SPIRIT and I brainstorm. We've got the perfect business plan:   1) Extract well-preserved dinosaur DNA in some manner or another. Frozen dinosaur corpses would be preferable, though hard to find. 2) Clone DNA and begin breeding dinosaurs, while domesticating each generation of offspring. 3) Train them as riding animals and start a rental service called USAUR, with prices starting at $19.99 for in-town travel.   Not only is this more fuel efficient but it would also



Hey Yankees

See, when I was yelling at the TV telling you not to trade last year's MVP away, you should have listened to me. >   Eh, this year's World Series will probably be cool anyway. :V



Okay That Was Enough Cake

Bluh bluh so stuffed. :x AND ALSO SO HAPPY.   So among other things, I now have copies of Spirit Tracks and SSBB. So I'll update my FC entry soon, but I may not play right away because I still suck at SSBB. Also Toon Link is awesome (in both ST and SSBB).   okay goooodnight.



Let Chell Eat Cake

It's my birthday!   Had a pretty good day so far. Finally got a break this month to play some baseball, which was cool. Also Friendlyyyyy's. <3   Also I learned how to wallhax in Portal to reach the party room, so I did that today. :3 Did you know you can place the Companion Cube over the cake? It's now a COMPANION CAKE.



You Know What's Embarassing

When you emphasize a word, but misspell it.   I HAET doing this, it just makes the type more noticeable. D:   ALSO BIRTHDAY IN LIKE TWO HOURS THIRTY MINUTES...ISH.



Political Party Logos

Why do they always choose silly animals for their logos? If I had my own party I'd pick something way better, like...       SHARK   WOLF   TYRANNOSAURUS REX   These are so much cooler than elephants and donkeys, right?



Funny Coincidence

So like I'm taking INFT 110, and this one tutorial is about Internet Explorer 7.   As it turns out I haven't updated my IE browser since 7 came out.



Hey Club Nintendo

you just addeed a bunch of (pretty cool) Mario stuff to your list of rewards, for the 25th anniversary and everything.   And yet I still don't see any Mario Galaxy soundtracks. >=(   *Nerd rage ensues*



Hey You Apple Nerds

And by "nerds" I mean "awesome people."   Any advice? D:   EDIT: Scratch that. Looks like Apple's support says that the only way to remove them is by wiping everything from your iPod. Great, now I have 19 30+ minute files on my iPod to take up its already small 8GB space. >_>




Rofls ahoy   (Blue = Bionicleman, dark red = Grant Sud, sexy dark blue = me)    



This Is What Good Timing Looks Like

So it just so happens that my college course schedule was timed in such a way that in between my next courses, I have only one course to deal with this week, and that course is flexible enough that I can time it so that I have absolutely no college work on Sunday, my Birthday.   Aw yeah. B)



Zhuzhu Zombie

These robotic hamsters are actually pretty fun to mess around with. >.>   One happened to roll off a table and break. Now it usually refuses to respond to buttons and makes noises and rolls around by itself. It's undead I tell you. o_o



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