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Yo Dog

I heard you like achievements so we put achievements in yo contest so you can achieve while you achieve.



Ever Have One Of Those Times

When you're just walking and everything's normal, then suddenly there's this creepy person staring at you.     Just staring like he has nothing better to do but stare.     And you're all freaked out.     And then you realize it's just a cardboard Edward Cullen.     Seriously those things give me the creeps. ._.



Lightning Bugs

(Or fireflies if you prefer.)   I had one on my leg earlier, so I swatted it and accidentally killed it. Apparently he landed on my sock, because he left some glowing goo on it, and it stayed luminescent for a long time.   Neato!



Looking For Funds To Construct A Wormhole.

Current amount of funds acquired: $28.00   If we can get enough materials before the blog trial period ends, we can create a wormhole that we can use to go back in time and thus our free blogs will never expire!     ...Although this project may cost more than just buying PMship. But that's not as fun as SCIENCE.



The Ice Cream Man

Ever wonder how your local Ice Cream man can drive around all day long with the same old tune repeating every 20 seconds and not go insane?   Or maybe he is insane, and uses the money you give him to build giant evil robots shaped like ice cream cones.   Who knows!?



Oh Look

Thanks to whoever enabled my ability to make blogs again.   So uh, there was something else I was gonna say here, but I forgot what it was.   So I'm just gonna advertise this month's MOC topics here if that's okay. I made a lot more than usual this month.   Nathan Boxer COMBAT COTTAGE Polar Bear Cavalry



Member Spotlight

Am I the only one who noticed how loooooong the main page is today? .___.   Awwww, trial's up. We need to make better conventional oven time machines.



The Ultimate Battle

If a Toa with a Mask of Translation fought a Toa with a Mask of Untranslation, who would win?   Bumped because I might as well before the trial ends. =P



Shameful Excuse For A Blog Theme

You would not believe the lack of good MM pictures out there. And not having Photoshop/GIMP doesn't help any. D=   But it's better than leaving a bad Weegee edit up for two years so whatever.



Crazy Weather And Wallpapers

It's like when it's not raining, it's unbearably humid. ._.   Also new wallpaper. :3     Also this was my old wallpaper but I didn't get to post it cuz of BZP being down.



Random Tlr Thought

If they're not going to give the Glatorian something canon like Thornax Launchers, why give them something non-canon like life counters?   I assume this isn't a spoiler since it has nothing to do with plot and all, yeah... >.>



Moc That Doesn't Deserve A Topic

So that's what Blogs are for. =D   Blah.   Also this blog isn't as popular this year. =[ Then again if I didn't neglect it so much maybe it'd be more popular.



Bzp Is Back

But you already knew that, or else you wouldn't be here.   And my blog is back too. =D But you also knew that.   Was gonna do something to it's year-old looks, but I got this sudden burst of laziness when BZP came back. Ah well.   And in other news I downloaded Majora's Mask, and it's amazing. :3 Maybe I'll make an MM blog theme....




Today's the last day of the trial. I must find more things to blog about....



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