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Pirate Ship Name

Mef Man


Okay, here is where any of the members of my pirate group can vote for their favorite name:


1: Ape Blue


2: Odd Crimson


3: The Best Nickel


4: Mega Maroon


All names were made by Cool-Aid.


Okay, just post 1,2,3, or 4 for your choice below, if you are a member of the crew.


I, personally, vote for 3.



-Mef was here


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In case of a tie, whoever I choose will win :D :P. Naw, there will hopefully be another contest for it.


Okay, one vote for 1 and 3.



-Mef was here

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"Oh, we're the sea-lovin' scallywags of the Old Nickel/Better than any new pump-'er-nickel/cuz we smash our enemies into pickles/Oh, sweet Old Nickel!"


On second thought, maybe I should switch to 1.

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Notta crew member, but since it seems I have the kewlesht name evar, I'll just put myself in as an honorary voter and vote for #3. :P



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So, 1? :P Nice little rhyme, you could turn into a rap and sell it! :D :P



-Mef was here


No, I, in actuality, just double-crossed you and am a closet fan of #3.




I am being serious, though. I want 3.

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Still 2 votes for 3 and one for 1. Sorry, but it doesn't actually count as a vote.


I guess I'll wait 'till tonight to see what the name is. Waffles and Captain Marvel still have to vote. And, Kughii, if he sees it by tonight.

Okay, 3 wins!



-Mef was here

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Oops, forgot to close this topic. Sorry, poll's already finished with HM and I voting for three. "Poll" closed by me. :D



-Mef was here

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