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So Quotes



As you can see, I added my quote block, again. currently in it are only two quotes, and one will be soon moved into another upcoming content block.


So yeah, now to stalk people search for awesome quotes. XD


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hehe, some people are awesome enough that they don't need to use reverse psychology to get on the quote block, LL XD j/k, but i feel famous now, Zar

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Interesting idea.


...Don't you dare quote this. >:(


Okay, I won't. :P


Darn it, the reverse psychology didn't work!


--Um, I mean, good.




No, it did. I just wanted to see your reaction. :P

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:tohu: I thankfully know that you won 't quote this. You know why? Because, because, BECAUSE YOU WON'T.


I think I just zinged myself... :tohu:

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