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Skillet Awake

Captain Marvel


I just bought the entire album. It's really, really good. If my ears had mouths, they would be saying OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.


My favorite songs are Awake and Alive, and Hero.

-Captain Marvel


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The former is really the only Skillet song I like. Dude sounds an awful lot like the guy from Three Days Grace or from Finger Eleven, though...

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Hehe, I love Skillet. My favorite track is 'Lucy', actually. But 'Monster', 'Hero' and 'Don't Wake Me' come in as close seconds.

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Mango, how does 'Lucy' promote selfishness?


"I'd give up all the world to see/That little piece of heaven starin' back at me..."


See, that shows that the singer cares more about one person, who they like a lot, instead of caring about the world, which they should like more.




I could probably cite other examples as well, but I'm too lazy right now :P


-Der Blitz

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Actually, after I posted it, I began to like Lucy a bit more. Somehow...


Also, it was funny, because the previews sounded horrible in the iTunes store, but I decided to buy it on a whim. Also, since I bought the entire album, I got the bonus tracks. Dead Inside was the better one, I think.

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Whatev. You don't fail, IMO. Don't start a flame war here, please.


BTW, I know it's generic, but I don't care because I just like the music. I pretty much ignore whatever the message of a song/album is and just listen to it because it's good.

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Mango, how does 'Lucy' promote selfishness?


"I'd give up all the world to see/That little piece of heaven starin' back at me..."


See, that shows that the singer cares more about one person, who they like a lot, instead of caring about the world, which they should like more.




I could probably cite other examples as well, but I'm too lazy right now :P


-Der Blitz


Mango, what kind of crazy world do you live in? Since when does giving up something mean you're selfish?

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OMC, Ads.


Let's think about this.


You're giving the WHOLE CARKIN' WORLD just so that you can have your loved one back.


Isn't that selfish?


Think about it.


What if you gave up the whole world just so you could have your mom back from the dead, or something? The whole world would suffer just so that you could be with her and be happy. It's selfish, Ads. 'S simple as that.


-Der Blitz

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Silly Mango. It depends on who you're giving the world up to...




Exactly. Cuz you're giving the world up to no one.


-Der Blitz

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Okay, mango, let's put it in this way:


Toa Ignika is in love with Gali, however, she dies. There is one option. he can sacrifice his body (In the same way as when he awoke Mata Nui) to bring her back to life, and thereby 'giving up all the world', as he would go back to being a mask.


Would you say that he's being selfish?


Or would you say that I have a majorly weird interpretation of Lucy?



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Okay, mango, let's put it in this way:


Toa Ignika is in love with Gali, however, she dies. There is one option. he can sacrifice his body (In the same way as when he awoke Mata Nui) to bring her back to life, and thereby 'giving up all the world', as he would go back to being a mask.


Would you say that he's being selfish?


Or would you say that I have a majorly weird interpretation of Lucy?




Being selfish. For all he knows, the next day, he might need his body to prevent an apocalypse of some sort.


-Der Blitz

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Yeah, but what are the chances of that happening. Besides, we're only discussing one line in the song. Are there other examples of this? I can't think of any.
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I'm not continuing the argument. If you guys really want to, we could do so over PM. But I don't see any point in spamming up your blog, CM.


-Der Blitz

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I'd rather it be Skillet Asleep and Dead. :)

No just no.



You fail.

Glad to know I fail for having a different opinion!


Skillet is awful(ly generic).

I don't mind your opinion. It's just your use of the uhuh emote that I don't like. It looks condescending, the way you used it.


They're actually not, because they're quite different-sounding than a lot of Christian bands.

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That's kind of what I was trying to say in my comment at the bottom of page 1 (or top of page 2 I can't remember). I don't care that they're a Christian band, I just listen to the music because it's good.


Not saying I have anything against Christian bands. :lol:

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I'd rather it be Skillet Asleep and Dead. :)

No just no.



You fail.

Glad to know I fail for having a different opinion!


Skillet is awful(ly generic).

I don't mind your opinion. It's just your use of the uhuh emote that I don't like. It looks condescending, the way you used it.


They're actually not, because they're quite different-sounding than a lot of Christian bands.

Then I'm doing my job right!


And Christian or not Christian, they're still generic. Being a "Christian band" doesn't stop them from being nonunqiue.

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