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Text Boarders?



Okay so you know how images like this have white text with a black boarder, right?


Anyone know of a good program that can generate text like that? Or maybe special fonts or something?


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Generally, that sort of thing is made by using the font Impact Condensed or something similar and giving it a black outline. It's not too hard to replicate it in GIMP, and I believe doing this in Photoshop wouldn't be too hard, either.


1. Type the letters in the font 'Impact Condensed' or a similar font, like 'Arial Heavy'.


2. Make sure all the letters are on the same layer, separate from the actual picture.


3. Use the Color Select tool with its threshold set to its maximum, and select the letters.


4. Right-click and go to Select > Border, and set the border to be two pixels. If Feather is checked, uncheck it. Then apply the border.


5. Right-click on the border selection and go to Select > Feather, and feather the selection by two pixels.


6. Make a new layer for the border, and make sure it's highlighted in the Layers dialogue (Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Layers)


7. Fill the selection with black.


8. Move the black border layer underneath the text layer.


And -- hey presto! -- you've got the magical black meme border.

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That's ridiculously complicated, but at least it works. :P


What I need it for is fairly small text (around 14 pt), though. Hopefully this will work on that size.... :\

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This is my way of doing it in GIMP. I personally think it's slightly easier, but it could just be me.


1. Select 'Impact Condensed'.


2. Type what you want on the text layer


3. Go to layer> transparency> alpha> alpha to selection (on the text layer)


4. With the newly acquired moving lines around the text, go to Select> Grow.


5. Choose how large you want the border to be in the box.


6. Make a new layer and place it under the text layer. Fill it in with black.

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1) Impact

2) New layer

3) Make new text box


5) Apply

6) Select all

7) Edit -> Stroke

8) 5px black outside

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I'm typing in one of those fonts now.



You and your Earthbound fonts. :b


Fourside might actually look cool for the purpose I intended, but I already tried LL's method and it works pretty well.

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