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Replaying Pokémon Emerald





I haven't had so much fun with a Pokémon game in AGES.


Amazing how much faster running is in this game compared to Gen 4.


Actually, EVERYTHING is faster than Gen 4.


Also I might make a content block for my team, like Aho's. Maybe.


Also Poochyena is the cutest thing everrrr.






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I'm so used to holding down B that autorun probably would make no difference to me. XDD


Is running in HGSS as slow as in DPPt?

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They should make it so that while autorun is on, you can hold a button to go even FASTER.


Why not have rocket boots in a Pokémon game?

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Too bad Mightyena is kind of terrible. Not that it matters for an in-game team.


I hear that stuff is sped up again in B/W. The few battle videos I've seen were certainly speedier.

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Too bad Mightyena is kind of terrible. Not that it matters for an in-game team.


I hear that stuff is sped up again in B/W. The few battle videos I've seen were certainly speedier.

Yeah. :// Most of my favorites are in NU or UU. So unfair. DD:


ive been replaying emerald too :>


i just beat the flying gym leader

I'm just now in Petalburg City lol.

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Chol: =O That's an even better idea! They should put that in next time they have autorun.


Bunda: Yeah; it's like Gen 3's battles are on 2x fast forward from the videos I've seen. And that's with some lag from the videos being slow at times. =P AND with animations on. ... I don't even wanna know what it's like with them off. xD

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