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Okamiden Demooooo



On the Nintendo Channel. Go play it.


Pretty fun, but too short. D-pad controls are a little weird at times, but it works. Combat was the funnest part, and touch controls work very well (though none of the spells used here are as elaborate as some of the later ones seen in trailers).


Also you know you're dealing with a Zelda clone when you can't even take two steps before someone instructs you to smash every pot you see. :PP


Also also Chibiterasu is still the cutest player character ever.


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They really need to change the phrase "bull in a china shop" to "Link in any building at all".

Indeed. And everyone just stands around watching you smash them like they're worthless.


But then again, all pots look exactly the same so they're probably of little value anyway.


Except for that one giant pot in Spirit Tracks, which I'm pretty sure is the only pot in the whole series which you are encouraged not to break.


Nintendo Channel?


So it's like one of those Wii-to-DS-over-wifi things?

Yep. Only it's not WiFi, just local wireless.

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SPIRIT and Cholie: Yes, definitely. xD And come to think of it; that is weird. Hmm...


*Still hasn't played ST*

Plaaaaaay it.


Or just try Okamiden. From all I can tell, it's the same thing as Spirit Tracks, but without the train.


Which means it may be better. :bb

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... I wanted to get it so bad until you said it was a Zelda clone. D:

Most Okami fans would probably smite me for calling it that and give a thousand reasons on why it's more original, but the core gameplay is pretty similar regardless.


And that's a GOOD thing. I love Zelda, but Nintendo's titles often do contain a lot of carbon-copied ideas. So any game like the Okami series that takes that core and breathes other ideas into it is great.


On that note I still think 3D Dot Game Heroes looks pretty cool too. :bb

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The only Zelda game I have played extensively was Spirit Tracks. Fun for a while, but got bored and quit halfway through.

It was kind of tedious, I'll admit. Maybe it would have been at least a little better if the train warps weren't so obscure and hard to tell where they lead to. :\\


Funny thing is Okamiden seems to be taking notes from the Phantom mechanics of Spirit Tracks, but takes out the two things people complained about most in PH and ST: touch-screen navigation and tedious transportation. In other words this game is probably gonna be pretty awesome. :pp

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Chols: I played it last night, as I had booted up the Nintendo Channel to check something else anyway. =P It's a little like Zelda, but I can tell a difference.


Though, you have a point about the pots. =P And the Phantom controls for the boy.


I can't believe it though; you may just have gotten me to like another Capcom series. And I thought I was pushing it with me loving Tri. =P


Though; I do want to play Spirit Tracks. =( I've got Phantom Hourglass, and played that enough that I've pretty much completed both files. xP Though, with Skyward Sword coming out who knows when, I need to be prepared. =P

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Chols: I played it last night, as I had booted up the Nintendo Channel to check something else anyway. =P It's a little like Zelda, but I can tell a difference.


Though, you have a point about the pots. =P And the Phantom controls for the boy.


I can't believe it though; you may just have gotten me to like another Capcom series. And I thought I was pushing it with me loving Tri. =P


Though; I do want to play Spirit Tracks. =( I've got Phantom Hourglass, and played that enough that I've pretty much completed both files. xP Though, with Skyward Sword coming out who knows when, I need to be prepared. =P

Yeah, I know I'm stretching it by calling it a "clone," but the inspiration is definitely present. Case in point, poticide. Besides, Capcom made the Oracles series and The Minish Cap. So if any company can make a good Zelda-esque game, let it be them.


And you can never like too many Capcom games. :DD Unless you're the kind of person that shoves your favorite franchises down others' throats, those guys are annoying. Also seek out the original Okami on PS2 or Wii, cause if you're lucky you can get it for only $20 or less. I plan on getting it off Amazon sometime soon.


And yeah ST is still a great game, but there is that tedium I mentioned earlier....

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1. Ah, you've got a point there. Besides, it may just be the visuals throwing me off. =P And yes, killing of the pots is definitely present. =P


2. Nah; I like Capcom myself(Especially having found out that the Monster Hunter series is awesome, that restored my faith in Capcom =P). It's just funny. xD


3. True; but didn't PH and WW have a sort of tediousness itself, with the boats? =P

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