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Wip Survival Island Action Season 1



I apologize for the lack of finished MOCs lately. I have a lot of WIPs lying around, but I always stop before they're finished.


SO, these are the WIPs I have lying around:



This one is a vehicle of some sort, although the wheels are currently removed. See Flickr page for notes on the wheels.





This has been sitting around forever. I'm close to finishing it, but don't really like how most of the body has come out, so it could use refinements. It's also paired with this little guy~





This is a dragon of sorts. There will probably be a body on this tail, or maybe part of the tail will become a body. Also I have even more silver kalmah armor so I can make it longer, but that would just be overkill. Also, this is how they connect.





I'm finishing this one no doubt, I just need a piece I ordered and then I'll keep working on it.





Obvious Makuta revamp. Was going to be an entry in MI's calendar art contest, but didn't finish in time. Probably going to scrap that torso skeleton....




So which do you want to see finished? Got any pointers for any of the WIPs? Any comments you have are helpful. :>


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Finish em all, but start with the bottom three first. Dragon, Makuta then giant. Cause once you finish the dragon you can scrap the ball joints and use them, for the titan.


Lord Oblivion

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You best be finishing that Makuta, Chols, or I'm going to do an acrobatic pirouette off the handle all up ins.

And there was me telling him to scrap it. hehe.png

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Finish em all, but start with the bottom three first. Dragon, Makuta then giant. Cause once you finish the dragon you can scrap the ball joints and use them, for the titan.


Lord Oblivion

Those two mocs were actually planned to go together, so if I keep going with that idea, then I can't sacrifice one for the other. Although I have a huge amount of ball joints (I seriously don't even know where some of them came from ._.), and the orange robot doesn't call for a lot of ball joints, so I think they can coexist without problems.


Give the second vehicle a cat head.


Like lolcat Czar!

Lol, that would be funny, but it would contradict with my entire design plan. :P


Assuming I actually have a design plan beyond just a few mental images and whatever I can do with my available parts.


But I'll file this idea in the "things to shop" folder.


You best be finishing that Makuta, Chols, or I'm going to do an acrobatic pirouette off the handle all up ins.

Oh yeah, I'm not giving up on him yet. His colors might need some work though....[/color]

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