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Bbc #42 Updated Again...and Other Stuffs...



It's ruined, and horrible. I don't know why I even tired. But I still have time, maybe I'll be able to make something better.




My life is odd at the moment...and not just because I'm watching The Sound of Music. :blink: But because I feel like a faliure, I seem to never be able to finish anything (except my PBZP), or start it for that matter (like my comics :P ). I also feel sad and down for some reason, maybe it's time I write a comedy to cheer me up; any ideas?




I feel like being random.


Cookie pants! Never understand being the junior of perplexity! :o Snow has it of the uses for the unknown jellys and irrationally forged jingles with tutus. :lookhere:




Everyonez talkz likez thisz, becausez Iz saysz soz! Nowz! :P



-ZS- ZOMG! me nam iz bakwerdz


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Screaming helps, though your parents generally tend to get rather irked when you do it, so don't. :P


What's going on in your life, you never blog about it much?

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Sure, here's some more random stuff.




Omg I can see your message!

Maybe you're going through a depression. A girl, maybe?
A girl?! :superfunny: ... ... Oh wait, you're serious...
Screaming helps, though your parents generally tend to get rather irked when you do it, so don't. :P


What's going on in your life, you never blog about it much?

My life? It's boring.





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So, you are depressed because you are bored?


Uh, not exactly. It's a little more complicated then that.




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See, complicated! I'm telling you, it's a girl you just...don'd know it. O.o :P


Maybe you're depressed because you think your MOC is terrible, and are thinking "I can't do anything good"?

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See, complicated! I'm telling you, it's a girl you just...don'd know it. O.o :P


Maybe you're depressed because you think your MOC is terrible, and are thinking "I can't do anything good"?

That's probably part of it, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. ;)





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See, complicated! I'm telling you, it's a girl you just...don'd know it. O.o :P


Maybe you're depressed because you think your MOC is terrible, and are thinking "I can't do anything good"?

That's probably part of it, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. ;)




Oh just tell us, you'll feel better.

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If you don't tell us what's wrong, I shall personally send Bundalings over to your place of residence to poke you with a sharpened Ussal crab, ok? :P


Seriously, a problem shared is a problem halved. So the saying says, anyway.



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Do you know how much it costs to go from Texas to Georgia in a taxi, Seran? ALOT! I'm not paying fare. And who would sharpen a poor little ussal? Maybe I could ship a vicious fikou there.


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Ok, scratch the poking idea. SZ (I need a nickname for you...), if you don't tell us what's wrong, I shall...not tell you about the secret project! Yes! I shan't tell you about the secret guide to MOCing we're writing!


Wait a minute...



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Ok, scratch the poking idea. SZ (I need a nickname for you...), if you don't tell us what's wrong, I shall...not tell you about the secret project! Yes! I shan't tell you about the secret guide to MOCing we're writing!


Wait a minute...



Okay, I'll tell you guys (and gals) later. Okay? :)





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Good idea. Now I don't need to tell you about the secret guide to MOCing. So ha!


That went well.


I feel as though I've done something wrong...



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