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I've had a few bees get in my room recently. figured they were isolated issues, killed them as they came, and ignored it. Now just last night I had one flying around, forcing me to sleep on the couch for only 3 hours. Woke up to find three more in my room.




I did not need this on top of all my other stresses. :|


At least we've killed the nest now. I think.


Soooo I'm tired and frustrated and will probably avoid internet socializing until I calm down.


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I did that for the one last night. Not that I had any sympathy for it, but it was hiding under my night table and was impossible to crush, so caught him between a cup and a book and left him outside. The book was War of the Worlds, which I thought was appropriate for dealing with an invasion from another species.

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Wasps get in our house all the time, so I trap them in pick-a-brick containers. I used to let them back out but recently I've conducted cryogenic experiments where I freeze them and see if they come back to life.


Unfortunately I usually forget it's in the freezer and it doesn't come back to life.

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I once trapped some kind of seven-legged jumping spider in a glass. I then decided to see how he would react if I moved the glass along the floor, and he started running frantically to keep up.


The best part was when I stopped the glass and he did like a spider-facepalm.

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I have an incredibly large fear of bees. Not even kidding. If I see one, I just freeze up, mentally and physically. o.o


Interestingly enough, I've never been stung by a bee.

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Most of my family is fearful of them, and with good reason since they've been stung badly in the past. I've ever been stung thankfully, and I'm not very frightened by bees either, but I am afraid of getting stung in the future. Some of my relatives have deadly bee venom allergies, so I'm worried I may have a similar condition but don't know it yet.

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Wasps get in our house all the time, so I trap them in pick-a-brick containers. I used to let them back out but recently I've conducted cryogenic experiments where I freeze them and see if they come back to life.


Unfortunately I usually forget it's in the freezer and it doesn't come back to life.


We did this in Science Olympiad to study insects without them scurrying/flying away from the microscope we used. And we projected them on the wall. Awesome.


Also, Chols, are they bees (like, honey or bumble) or yellow jackets/wasps (vicious evil creatures of mirthless anger and stinging)?



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They may keep coming because you keep squishing them; wasps give off a pheromone that attracts others to it to rally and kill whatever killed it when they get squished. :\



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Problem is I don't even know how they keep getting in. I've seen no openings in the windows or walls that could have let them in. :|


Only idea I have is the heat pipes, which would be bad news cause then they migrated into the walls.

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