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Paris Hilton



Alright, so most of you know by now that everybody's not-really-at-all-favorite woman of questionable repute is in jail, correct? I was talking to my dad about that today while we were in the mall getting presents for my mom for mother's day, and I realized something: Paris is idolized by young girls because she has fancy phones, fancy cars, desirable objects, boyfriends, and money. Girls, and other people too of course, want these things. But Paris has these things because everybody else has one, albeit in most cases not as expensive. And since a rich and famous celebrity has those items, the young girls want them too so they can look "cool". And since they buy them, they have them, and their friends and peers see the items and want some too, so they buy them, and since everybody else has one, Paris will have one. And if all that stuff that she has is "cool", then those same girls will think her behavior is. Therefore the impressionable masses are likely to imitate her. And their friends will imitate them to look "cool" as well. And since it's popular, celebrities like Paris will do it, and more imitation will follow. A neverending cycle, isn't it? And once Paris burns out, Lindsey Lohan or some other talentless star will take her place.


And it won't just be young people who imitate celebrities. Business people, middle class people, workers, various sorts will imitate the imitators or the source itself and act as secondary influences, acting as other role models for the sort of people who imitate what they see and such. Therefore the pattern of celebrity behavior will forever live on, recycled and rerouted and turned this way and that and whatnot, most apparent in the top and bottom levels, the celebrities and the imitators.


Celebrity worship is so much like reincarnation in freaky ways. I have too much time to think, don't I?


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No, no, this is something everyoe realises after a while. It ties into Operant Conditioning as tested by leading Psychologist Supporters of the Behaviourist Approach,a nd is the basis of modern Advertising.

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Paris Hilton is a talentless sack of nothing, and should be shot. I hate that woman with all my heart.


You're absolutely right, GMan. It is all about the stuff. They want what she has (Which probably includes a bunch of diseases...)

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Right, but I'm simply noting more factors of the self perpetuating degradation of societal morality and the development of cultural hypocrisy.
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Indeed. That being said, if Paris was smart enough to dress however she wanted, others would follow. The 50 or so really famous actors/ musicians can really change the world.


Too bad most of them don't.



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@Cthulhu, rotfl.


@the topic at hand, I couldn't agree more. Children look for people to idolize, and since celebrities are at the forefront of everything, they become the idols of the youth. For better or for worse. Shame.

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What's she in jail for? (I don't have television, so I barely even know who she is. I just know her name and reputation.)

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Driving on a suspended license.


She said that she thought it meant that she would at least be able to drive to work.


Dang, if there was some way to destroy this big 'ol cycle, I would die a happy man....

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Driving on a suspended license.


She said that she thought it meant that she would at least be able to drive to work.


Dang, if there was some way to destroy this big 'ol cycle, I would die a happy man....

She works?


Anyway, yeah GMan, if you have too much time to think, then so do I. I've thought about this a lot. I think it says somthing about the human phyche and its need to conform.

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There is no need to be bashing anyone, no matter the reason. And because of this...


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