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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*my army of undead Melon Men devours NP's Storm Fruiters and Mango Men, I run and grab NP. Holding a banana dagger to him, I back away and get aboard the USS Froot Loop, and throw NP in the brig*

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*Mango-flyers fly directly into the group, cutting many in half and crushing the others*


*Tanks crash through group of storm fruiters*

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*swacks Dr. Wonko*And a pumpkin is a fruit, it has seeds :)

But it also grows on a vine, which fruit doesn't do.
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Ohes Noes!


*I press a small button on my wrist, and several PIE Bombers swoop in and drop Watermelons on the USS FruitLoop*


*I leap onto a PIE Bomber and fly away*

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*swacks Dr. Wonko*And a pumpkin is a fruit, it has seeds :)

But it also grows on a vine, which fruit doesn't do.

Then a grape is a vegatable ;) ?


NP, the watermelons don't do anything. My ship is protected by an indestructable pineapple force field.


*blasts NP with a melon cannon*

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*wonders how Kal turned back from a slug*




and wonko,Tomatos,Grapes,And watermelons all grow on vines and are all fruit :)

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*Tanks shoot down PIE-fighters and crush the remains, which are quickly hualed off by the plum-infantry to the USS froot loop and used to repair*

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and wonko,Tomatos,Grapes,And watermelons all grow on vines and are all fruit :)
Drat. I thought it was pumpkins that were uncertain. Oh well.


*Still uses Brussels sprouts*

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*Throws apple bombs at Wonko Spitty and Droids*



Sorry, Wonko, I thought you were... one of them... >.>

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Frankin-Kal, could you "take care" of NP for me? I have bigger things to attend to...

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*Gives venomess 30 apple golems*





You're giving him my golems? They

belong to the Fruit Stand and friends!

*makes golems attack :Venomess:*


*throws papaya at Sarak*


JSZ out

*dodges papaya and commands MY apple golems to attack JSZ.*





Serak, no. You do not get any of

my golems. It's dishonest.


*traps Cap'n under tomato net*


JSZ out

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*Sends in Obi-Plum Kenobi to defeat Laughin' Man*


IPB Image


*Chucks Apple bombs at Obi-Plum*]


*Takes out Apple Cutlass* ]

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*Hides in Base and sets up Automated Watermelon Turrets guarded by 10,000 of every kind of warrior including Obi-Plum Kenobi and Princess Leia Organic*


*Also, Komquat is producing infantry at triple speed*


*Orders him frozen in straw-berry icecream*

yeah... But I'm safe in my base.

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