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Mini Contest!






I'm hosting a Mini-Contest for my up in coming summer epic Tree of Might.


Currently, I'm working on character profiles and scenery details, as well as an outline of the story.


The rules are simple: Fill out the character profile.


That's it in a nutshell! The more detailed the profile, the beter the chances of you appearing in the story.


As for prizes, you get a chance to be MOCed, as well as be apart of the four man Toa team in the story!


Three winners will be choosen from the bunch.


Just fill out this chracter profile here:








Mask Power:






Special Abilities:






Recommended Comments

Name: Lithos (LITH-ose)

Element: Light

Mask Power: Kanohi Zixis (rhymes with sixmiss), Mask of Remembrance---gives inanimate objects a "memory", so they only work for their "Master"

Color: Mainly Silver with Black armor, but with Phantoka Orange arms

Special Abilities: Being a Toa of Light, he has mastered many abilities of Av-Matoran, but his favorite three are Analyze (the brain functions as a computer that strategizes and calculates movements), Revelation (enhances the strength of light side of opponent, causing extreme mercy, pity, emotion, or good), and Pulse (infuses intense energy into the body's systems, causing boosts in energy, speed, agility, and eliminates need for sleep only when in use).

Personality: Lithos is an amazing warrior, harnessing as many powers as possible. He has trained his Zixis as a sort of vault for powers, unleashing them upon command. Oddly enough, he found an organic Zixis, and now is permanently bonded to the mask. He fights intensely, fighting until his opponents are tired, and calls upon his Pulse power. He tends to be harsh around enemies, particularly Makuta, due to the nature of his past. He is peace-loving and only fights when necessary, and is a kind and understanding Toa.

History: Lithos was one of the first Av-Matoran ever created. He was Chronicler for the Toa Nuva when they first arrived, and was best friends with Solek. He learned a lot about being a Toa from his idol Pohatu, and even shifted his arms to be the color of a stone Pohatu had given him when the Toa left. During the Time Slip, he was chosen to be taken, but refused. The Order of Mata Nui called in a Toa (knowing, of course, he'd soon forget all this) to escort Lithos. The two became friends, and when the Toa was ambushed, he gave a Toa stone to Lithos. Lithos became a Toa, and fought bravely. However, the time slip soon ended, and everyone forgot who Lithos was. MoMN claimed he was a traitor (in order to make sure the Toa of Light would die). Now, Lithos fights valiantly, hoping someday to be pardoned, and he is especially cruel to all Makuta and their servants.

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Name: Seranikai (Sair - rarn - ih - kye)


Element: Shadow


Mask Power: Reanimation (though the mask is in the shape of a Miru)


Colour: Black with Gunmetal armour


Special Abilities: Limited shapeshifting, Telekinesis


Personality: Temperamental, imaginative, shy


History: Seranikai has amnesia, and is unable to remember large periods of his life. He is uncertain where he comes from, and whether he is even a true Toa, as he is able to shapeshift. He remembers being a Matoran at one point, and thinks he might have had connections with the Dark Hunters as well. Because of this uncertain past, Seranikai prefers to be by himself, but is a powerful and unique member of any Toa Team when the need arises. His imagination has helped him out of numerous tough circumstances, often forming plans that put himself, and others, at risk; however, he takes great care of his Team, and never lets them come to any real harm. Seranikai is also capable of telekinesis, and can usually be seen using this to great effect in battle. He carries a Shadow Blade, a black sword through which he can channel his Shadow powers. This rare Element gives him an enormous edge in almost any battle, as few beings have experience fighting a Toa of Shadow, and do not know what to expect. This Element often leads people to question his worthiness as a Toa, but deep down, he wants nothing more than to prove he, like anyone else, can be a hero.



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Colour: Gunmetal and black

That's surprising. :P


History: Seranikai has amnesia, and is unable to remember large periods of his life. He is uncertain where he comes from, and whether he is even a true Toa, as he is able to shapeshift. He prefers to be by himself, but is a powerful and unique member of any Toa Team. His imagination has helped him out of numerous tough circumstances, often forming plans that put himself, and others, at risk; however, he takes great care of his Team, and never lets them come to any real harm. Seranikai is also capable of telekinesis, and can usually be seen using this to great effect in battle. He carries a Shadow Blade, a black sword through which he can channel his Shadow powers. This Element often leads people to question his worthiness as a Toa, but deep down, he wants nothing more than to prove he can be a hero.

And that just killed my chances. :P


I'll try later when I have the time to write out the whole thing.

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Name: Vermillion


Element: Metal


Mask Power: Sheilding (It's just a normal Hua exxecpt it's chrome.)

Color: Black, silver and chrome


Weapon: Long sword


Special Abilities: He is very fast and he can channel his energy into his long sword which makes his sword glow dark blue and he can either fire it off like a beam or keep it there and use it as a taser.


Personality: Outgoing and very happy


History: He suffers from a stress disorder but for some reason he's always happy with himself, though when some goes wrong he always takes it too hard. He was born on Mata Nui but raised on the island of Metru nui where he was tought by his father and mother to fight. His father and mother died mysteriously while he was at the school one day and that was when he developed the stress disorder. When he was about twenty years old one of his fellow Toa died in a Dark Hunter attack and Vermillion watched as he was ripped limb from limb (He was trapped under a bunch of rubble so he couldn't help his friend). Loved by his fellow Toa and all the Matoran of the island he is on. He happens to be one of the ones (Or claims) that knows the Shadowed One's true name. Also, he's had a very bad knee ever since he was a child and that has been used againist very, very often.


I can't make her real

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Name:Reaalus ( ree-ay-uh-lus)


Element: Plasmagnetics


Mask Power: Kanohi Xaer (Ze-'air), the Great Kanohi of Bodily Spirit.


In short, it is a combination of the Suletu and the Iden. He can use the Iden and communicate with those with him at the same time.


Color: Main{white] Secondary{orange]


Weapon: Plasmagnetic flamberge


Special Abilities: Can use the planet's magnetic field to fly/levitate. Can 'turn into' plasma, flowing and burning, using his magnetic powers to propel him.



Personality: He is very good company, is sarcastic and funny, smart. has a short temper





He used to be a Toa of Plasma, but when he and one of his teammates, a Toa of Magnetics, was hit by a beam from the Spear of Fusion, his teammates' elemental and Kanohi powers were combined with his. His mind was the only one in control. He had lost his friend.


When he got back to his koro, he was shunned. Everyone said he was a monster, and that it was his fault that the other Toa was dead. His Turaga banished him from the Island and he is now a drifter.







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Just for you own Information. Wild, crazy destructions powers that make you seem undifeatable aren't realy my style.


Try to make a character that does have weak points and isn't completely indistructable. :D

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I'll gladly join! For this profile of mine, I'll do my self-MOC, considering that it is already done!


Name: Ballom

Element: Darkness

Mask Power: Kanohi Crathsis, the Mask of Emotion. Allows the wearer to impress their strong emotions on others, and increase this power for better or for worse. Can also put Ballom into frighteningly angry rages.

Color: Black and purple, with rusty silver-black armor, a tattered black cape, and clawed boots.

Weapon: Two spiked gauntlets, with saber blades coming out of the back, that can be reversed as scissor claws; also, he carries two broad laser swords.

Special Abilities: Shadow powers, such as the ability to throw up walls of shadow, black energy blasts, and portals of darkness energy to travel or dispell attacks.

Personality: Ballom is cold, evil, and extremely ambitious. He is a loner, not working well in a team, though he does enjoy leading an army. Being a Shadow Toa, Ballom despises the Toa of the Light, and delights in killing them.

History: Born in the realm of Karzahni, Ballom served as his personal slave, and was publically beaten and humiliated by the cruel Titan. After Karzahni was banished to the Pit, and the Matoran workforce was freed by the Toa Nuva from Lietenant Kazakhan and the Slave Drivers, Ballom fled the realm in hopes of being repaired. He was found by Xeriath, leader of the Shadow Toa of the Brotherhood of Makuta, and was taken to their base to be trained. Repaired, strengthened, and turned into an infected Toa, Ballom rose quickly through the ranks. He first participated in a mission with the rogue bounty hunter Chazok, to hunt down the double-agent Roodaka after she defected from the Brotherhood and Dark Hunters. Ballom then took part in the Kora Nui campaign, as part of Xeriath's shadow squad to secure the Empyreal Masks. At the time of his master's death, Ballom became leader of the Shadow Toa. He was last seen searching for the Order of Mata Nui stronghold on Artahka. His current whereabouts are unknown.


My, there seem to be a lot of Dark Toa, or something like that, in this epic!



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Name- Chrome or Kharu [Whatever suits you best]

Element- Ice

Mask Power- Speed [Avohkii shaped]

Color- Mostly white and black with silver armor

Weapon- A staff with a blade attached to the end

Special Abilities- Agile, can harness the power of ice [ice beams, etc., etc.]

Personality- Usually quiet, speaks when necessary. Kind, helps whenever possible.

History- Kharu was once a matoran on a small island. He worked as a guard to protect the Knowledge Tower(the island was not Metru-nui). Sometimes, he listens to the scholars in the tower, and sometimes learns from them. The toa of his island had went on a mission(which was kept a secret from the matoran). Before the toa went on their way, they gave a stone to one matoran of each district. One day, a group of rahi swarmed in Kharu's city. They demolished everything. One rahi was headed for the Knowledge Tower. Kharu tried to protect the building but he was no match. The rahi swooped down and carried on of the scholars away. Then something caught Kharu's eye, an object fell out of the scholars grasp. He ran and picked it up. it was a stone of some sort. He ran from the destruction and went to his house. He observed the stone some more, but couldn't figure what it was for. He placed it on a table and went to sleep. He woke up, but it wasn't morning, something was dragging his feet. His body was moving on it's own. He picked up the stone and went outside. He had no idea where he was going until he saw a building. He saw five other matoran there. It was a toa suva. He was suppose to become a toa....

He sometimes questions himself if he's worthy enough to be a toa. He, after all, wasn't chosen by the toa to receive the toa stone, it belonged to another matoran. He was caught by some dark hunters once, and had his memories erased. He doesn't remember where he came from, or his toa team. He escaped, but was on his own. On some of his adventures, the experience brought his memories back, but he only remembers how to control his powers and that he was a toa.

Sometimes he meets other toa, and maybe even helps them on their quest. But he still thinks about where he really belongs

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Name: Aklan


Element: Stone (No elemental powers)


Mask Power: N/A


Type: Matoran


Color: Yellow, with a hint of black


Weapon: Bo Staff (think Donatello from the TMNT), hidden pistol.


Special Abilities: Psychokinetic powers (Mind control, telekinesis, telepathy, etc.)


Personality: Sarcastic, witty, quick thinking.


History: Aklan was endowed with Psychokinetic ever since he came into being. These powers tormented him with terrible headaches which got worse and worse until Aklan was forced to set out on a quest to cure his headaches. He finally found a hermit who told him that the headaches were a result of his Psychokinetic Powers. Aklan went back and started honing his powers, thus managing to keep his headaches in control in the process. He was still an outcast in Po-Koro, though, so he sailed away hoping to find a place where he would be accepted. He is still at sea.


-Aklan ^ ^

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Just for you own Information. Wild, crazy destructions powers that make you seem undifeatable aren't realy my style.


Try to make a character that does have weak points and isn't completely indistructable. :D


Was that directed at me, or everyone?






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Well, I'm already a part of the team, but it wouldn't hurt to enter my own profile. :)


I'll try to get it up by this Friday, and congradulations on the 3rd place!

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Oh, it was directed to no one, I just wanted to put it out before people started entering. :lol:















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This is actually my personal character, because toa MercenaryXero sounds lame.




Element: Metal


Mask Power: Speed (its a kakama)


Color: Red/black/silver


Weapon: Staff of metals (metal tip is re-formable by takanu for different purposes)


Special Abilities: Controls metal, through magnetism and psychokinesis. Can melt/solidify metal instantly


Personality: Confused about his existence, but driven to find out about the past of his creators. Dislikes working with a team, unless he is the leader.


History: Long ago, at a brotherhood of makuta research facility, two toa had been captured. They had undergone several experiments, and one now had limited psychokinetic power, and the other's leg had turned to steel. Today's test was very important. The brotherhood had acquired the spear of fusion, and were anxious to test it out. the two captive toa were bound, and a lab assistant had fastened the spear into its place. The spear was fired, and when the dust cleared away, there stood a strange figure, tall and lean, looking about. He was obviously confused. But once he saw the group of makuta, he knew what to do. Grasping at the unfamiliar spear that lay on the floor next to him, he swung it up, and the tip turned white. The makuta had no idea what they had created. As the very structure of the room turned white hot, they began to understand. But this would not last long. A thousand white-hot lances of molten metal skewered them all.

The toa remembered very little; the only thing he knew clearly was his name: takanu. Or at least he thought it was a name. So many things were unclear to him. Takanu decided that the best way to survive was to trust his instincts, like he did in the test chamber. He was sprinting down a long corridor with periodic doorways. Above these doorways were signs. Takanu read them as he passed: Department of rahi... Makuta resources... Break room... Research and development... That was the one he wanted. He paused; the room was rather secure-looking, with a large iron door blocking the path. He laughed. One sweep of his staff and the door oozed out of his way. But then a bolt of shadow energy whizzed past his mask. Acting quickly, he brought the puddle that used to be the door in front of him, like a shield. He steadily walked forward, increasingly aware of what he could do. Bringing down the room would do him no good - he was here for a reason. And today, that reason was sitting on the desk about twenty feet away. But what was behind the desk was much more troublesome. But one weak makuta was no match for him. He waved his hand, and several chunks of his shield broke away. They formed into three swords, and dived behind the desk, where the now gravely injured makuta lay. Takanu scooped a few folders off the desk. They were entitled: Spear of fusion and prisoner files: Tahkka and Tokanu. Satisfied, he utilized what was left of his shield to bore a hole through the reinforced outer wall of the facility, and as he stepped into the cold winter air, he felt free.


And Takanu goes on to be taken in by the OoMN as a special agent.

But I didn't want to write any more. Whoa, I really got carried away...

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Name: Drihki (dry-ik-i)


Element: gravity


Mask Power: puppetstry,allows him to control his enemies like...puppets(shaped as a Hau)


Color:gunmetal and silver


Weapon:his enchanced hands which help him with his mask power, they glow when his mask is in use. Bow and arrows which can be controlled with his mask.


Special Abilities: Able to get rid of the gravity in a room and make an enemy lose his/her balance.


Personality: silent,powerful, cunning


History: long ago, he was found ashore on an island were he cured back to health by the matoran and met the islands toa.

Years later their island was raided by the brotherhood. He fought these intruders with much strength. However he and his team were overpowered and defeated. The makutas took his team but left him tied on the island alone. He soon untied the rope and chased after the makutas. But it was to late, his team was lost to the makuta.He went around the island searching for matoran or villages. He only found a few villages. still inhabiated by matoran. He healed himself and gathered materials for a chase. He left the island days after. He soon heard news ofhis team But it was terrible nes, he heard that they were dead and thatthe makutas use terbodies for experiments. He swore that one day he would avnge his team, and defa the makuts.

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Name: Dalek


Element: Fire/Earth


Mask Power: Thermal Vision


Color: Black Mask, Arms, and Legs with Red hands, body, and feet


Weapon: Black/Red Spear of Atomic Disruption


Special Abilities: Can turn an object or being to stone or flame temporarily, if necessary, although this can be dangerous in the heat of battle, as it greatly drains his energy.


Personality: Cold, calculating, calm.


History: Where he comes from is as of yet unknown, for whenever it is brought up, he changes the subject almost immediately. It is thought he may have had some trouble with the natives of his home, and been exiled. He was found on an island alone, his boat smashed upon a rock, by a group of toa returning home from the great Dark Hunter/Toa war. Feeling sorry for the him, they took him with them as far as the first inhabited island they came to, where he chose to remain. After delivering the inhabitants from a Makuta that had been terrorizing them, he disappeared, along with half the supply hut's rations and a fishing ship. He has been wandering from land to land since, helping where help is needed. In almost a thousand lands, you can find some kind of reference to Dalek, wether it be in legend or carving. He was last seen recruiting a young toa of water who had lost her island and her people.

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Name: Quantax


Element: Steel/Twilight


Mask Power: Manipulation, able to control peoples thoughts, feelings,


Color: White with Pearl Gold Armor and containing subtle layering of Ruby


Weapon: Staff of the Twilight, able to control the shadows and sunlight, a double bladed battle staff


Special Abilities: Unknown


Personality: Generous, Gregarious, calm,


History: Aegleia was one of the two surviver of the Toa Para, an elite group formed together to aid the DHs in the BoM/DH war. A master of air, he is able to control wind and sound, crafting it at his own desire. He doesn't often reveal his identity or enrich people of his background. He killed his fellow toa after they became corrupt, and traveled with the other sane toa in the group, Sartahk. He is believed to have trained the members of the Order, an organization that provides security for Artahka. An ally to those who rebelled against the Makuta, he often helps the DHs on rogue missions. After his partner, Sartahk, died, he went into architect and Smithing, were he created some of the finest proto-steel blades known to matoran. A lover of nature, he loves to live in lush, vivacious environments, favoring Para Nuis jungle, were he was raised as an Ae-matoran, and apprenticed to Lesovikk. He is currently adventuring in Karda Nui, where he is trining the Matoran resistence to fight the Makuta and their evil matoran slaves. He


Still editing


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Name: Hyperion (Hi-per-ri-on)


Element: Crystal


Mask Power: Duplication (though the mask is in the shape of a Miru)


Color: Shades of Blue


Special Abilities: Enters dangerous berserker mode during full moon; Perfected his technique to create armor using his own crystals


Personality: Friendly, Serious, Charming


Weapon: Manipulates crystal formations to fit the situation; Crystal lances in particular


History: Known as the "Crystal Lancer", or "Blue Diamond", Hyperion is a Toa not to be taken lightly. Hyperion is a Toa of crystals, as he is able to manipulate crystals at his own will. Being a Toa, he took it as an oppurtunity to have fun and enjoy his youth. This changed as he realized the devestating number of Toa that have been killed in action. Ever since, he takes his role as a Toa very serious, and has no time for play. When word spread of an uprising of the BOM after the events in Mahri Nui, Hyperion sets out to scout the uncharted world above to find a balance of power in the Universe while also battling the building rage inside of him.

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