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That Green Gentleman


...Is a dumb looking game, sorry, you people that love it will want to kill me, but come on, lose the mario, and all that stuff, play Halo, Gears Of War, the good games, mario, donky kong, ll those guys, just lame now.


Don't kill me, I'm just making an opinion.


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There's different types of games...The two you mentioned were shooters.

Brawl is pretty much one of the only good fighting arcade style games. And Mario is Nintendo's most recognizable icon, they're not going to get rid of him. Ever.

Kinda like how Sega won't drop Sonic, and continue to spit out terrible Sonic. Nintendo's going to keep shoveling Mario.


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1. Final Fantasy has no relation to each other (sans a couple games)

2. Almost none of the Mario games have any continuity, they're worse than the Zelda games!

3. Brawl is not the best fighter out there...that goes to either Guilty Gear or Street Fighter

4. Some people prefer games like Brawl to games like Halo and Gears ;D

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Well, Final fantasy has alot of games, pretty dumb to me (Sorry omi)


Thats why I hate them


Havn't played those...


I prefer Guitar Hero, And Rock Band to any game, even halo.

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I prefer Guitar Hero, And Rock Band to any game, even halo.


Quoted for Truthiness. Rock Band and Guitar Hero beat any game. Ever.




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i lol'd.


You do realize video games might not be around now if it weren't for Nintendo?

They revived the video game buisness after the Video game crash of 1983.

BTW, Mario and SSB games own.

They're better than KH. FF. Halo.




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You are new to video games, right?


Nintendo's first console was the NES. It came out after the video game crash that almost got rid of video games,and revived gaming with -gasp- SUPER MARIO BROS!

Srsly. Halo can't compete against a game where you can have Mario, Snake, Sonic, and Pikachu all fighting on a Legend of Zelda stage. :P




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I'm making an Opinion on what I really think is dumb.


Well said.


While I do believe that Brawl will rule, I don't think it will that good.


And KW, not everyone has to be a Nintendo fan, you know. Variety is the spice of video gaming. :P



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I'm making an Opinion on what I really think is dumb.


Well said.


While I do believe that Brawl will rule, I don't think it will that good.


And KW, not everyone has to be a Nintendo fan, you know. Variety is the spice of video gaming. :P



I'm making a point.


People who say "LULZ NINTENDO SUX LOLOLOLOL" need to learn that Nintendo SAVED video games.


If it werent for Nintendo, Halo, the PS3, etc. may not even EXIST.





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