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Eclipse Tonight



The previously mentioned total Lunar Eclipse finally occurs tonight. Earth's dark shadow moves across the lunar surface starting at 7:43 PM Central Time. Along the East Coast, the Moon sits 30° high in the dark eastern sky by then. For those on the West Coast, the Moon rises minutes after the partial eclipse begins, just as the Sun sets. If you're on a hilltop with a clear view of both the western and eastern horizons, you might get a unique opportunity to briefly see both the Sun and eclipsed Moon. Earth's shadow takes 78 minutes to envelop the Moon completely. Once totality starts, at 9:01 PM Central Time, our companion takes on a reddish-orange color. Totality lasts 51 minutes, ending at 9:52 PM (again, Central Time). The Moon then leaves our shadow over the following 78 minutes.


There's a slight chance that I may not get pictures of this awesome event, so if any of you, absolutely any of you, are able to see it and can get pictures of it, please PM them to me.


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Don't worry, my dad and I are planning to get the best pictures possible without being professionals. :P We live in an area that the weather has been forcasted to stay clear! :happydance:

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Well, it's occurring right now, but it's completely overcast here. I'm praying quite consistently that I'll be able to see it by the time the total part of the eclipse happens, but you never know. Any of you got pictures yet? :P

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I have a phone camera!


...But there's a problem...


Its a phone camera.


The lighting might just be another factor...


Sorry I could've give you a East Coast view...



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Those stars (about at a 120 degree angle from each other, with the moon at the centre of the circle) were not pink here.



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