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Braving The Storm

Spoony Bard




The red line you see here on this map screenshot (provided by Mapquest) is the route I take when I drive to Meaghan's house. I am the start, and she is the finish. Estimated distance is 104 miles, and it takes approximately 2 hours to get there, depending on traffic conditions. A long drive, but well worth it.


As most should know (well the residents of the northeast), we had a large snowstorm. It was a bad storm too, with a mix of snow, slush, rain, and sleet. So the roads were so bad that the plows couldn't do anything. Storm started when I was at work last Friday. Was still going when I was done with work. Every Friday I leave to go see Meaghan.


Yes I drove in this storm. From start to finish, I driving at the speed of 30 on the highway (because they weren't even clear). I couldn't see anything, and it was just snowing and snowing. The Pike wasn't too bad, and neither was the rush. However, Rte 128 (which is circled in blue) was not even plowed. It was blanketed in snow, and you couldn't even see where the lanes were. I drove through all this just to see Meaghan.




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I already knew all this.


Why is that again?



Oh yeah, it's 'cause you felt the need to call me in the middle of it and whine. :P



Glad you made it through alive! xP

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When it comes to snow, a dogsled is faster than a car.


But seriously dude, you got allot of dedication to go through that snow to see Meaghan.

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Thats why I never heard of your town...





Nothing on the Northeast side of Mass. is important except Six Flags!


There I am...


In wee little Framingham...


(Techically not 'wee little town' because its the biggest town in the United States)


Why don't you stop by a moment to say hi?


At least a high-five at 50 MPH on 128 would be good...



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