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Final Fantasy Remakes

Spoony Bard


Apparently FFVII and FFX were remade - for the NES. Both are not hacks or any NES FF ports, but were rather built from scratch.


A Chinese company called Shenzhen Nanjing Technology has ported FFVII to the Famicom (NES), and reviewers claim that the port had stayed true to the plot of the story. However, the graphics have been toned down from 3D to 2D, where sprites from other Final Fantasy games for the NES and SNES were used. Also, certain subquests have been removed, meaning there is no Yuffie or Vincent. The music, however, is not from FFVII but from FFII and FFIII. I have seen screenshots and a video of it, and it looks decent. When I get the chance, I'll either download it, or get the hard copy.


As for the FFX one. I dunno who made it, but it looks way better than the FFVII one. All sprites and game settings look exactly as they should be in FFX. And instead of reusing the FF NES music, they converted the FFX music to the format NES uses. I saw 2 videos of it, and I'd rather play this one other than the FFVII one.




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Aww, I liked Vincent. I didn't care either way for Yuffie(Though her quest did get me to that feudal village-thingy), but Vincent was a fav...he's in the party I'm using to take on Jenova's final form...I can beat her, I just can't kill Sephiroth... >< You know if there will be a virtual console form of these ports? If so it may get me to download it, as I lost my PS1 memory card.

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Aww, I liked Vincent. I didn't care either way for Yuffie(Though her quest did get me to that feudal village-thingy), but Vincent was a fav...he's in the party I'm using to take on Jenova's final form...I can beat her, I just can't kill Sephiroth... >< You know if there will be a virtual console form of these ports? If so it may get me to download it, as I lost my PS1 memory card.

Most likely not, since these are unofficial ports. :P



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Aww, I liked Vincent. I didn't care either way for Yuffie(Though her quest did get me to that feudal village-thingy), but Vincent was a fav...he's in the party I'm using to take on Jenova's final form...I can beat her, I just can't kill Sephiroth... >< You know if there will be a virtual console form of these ports? If so it may get me to download it, as I lost my PS1 memory card.

Most likely not, since these are unofficial ports. :P




:lol: Darn.


Hm...2D Final Fantasy VII...except for the cutscenes it never really pushed very far into 3D...mainly just triangles...at first due to Midgar's dark backgrounds my brother couldn't see Clouds shoulderplate and thought he didn't have a shoulder...wonder how it looks in 2D...could ya post some screens?

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