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Writers, Please Come

Grey Snow


Well, the reason I'm calling writers here, good Bionicle writers that is, is because I have a great, epic idea for the epics forum.

I'll soon be starting an epic called Legacies of the Final Battle, an 08 epic in my own way, so I got to thinking, that would be great to rewrite every year.

Something I'd call Project: Legends of BIONICLE

So, if you're interested, let me know for writing a year of the story in an epic, adding whatever you want (side stories, etc.). Here's a list of the years:


01: Quest for the Masks

02: Bohrok Swarms

03: Bohrok Kal/Mask of Light

04: Legends of Metru Nui

05: Web of Shadows

06: Island of Doom

07: Creeps of the Deep

08: The Final Battle (mine)


Also, anyone think this is a good quote? I came up with it for the 08 epic I'm doing:


“Toa, you are truly an eternal anachronism. You fight for justice, but what truly is justice? Is it only in your eyes, or in every eye, good and evil?” --Antroz


Any thoughts on that quote?


That is all.


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Ooooh. I like that quote. Certainly does give a new side to Antroz.


I guess that idea could work...I'll be able to make a better judgement once the '08 one is up.

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Yeah, I like the quote too.


I'd write, but usually when I get started on something I get a chapter or two up and just forget about it... Even the ones I think I'll finally complete. I'm HOPING to not do that with my Destiny Of A Hero epic, but from the way things are looking, it's not looking up.


Any luck with an Avvie for me Bya?

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Oooooh, so we volunteer for writing the epic? Okay.


Yeah, I volunteer. I'd gladly do any year other than '02. Don't care what year, other than that.


Okay, I think I'd like to do '03. One of my personal favorite years.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Awesome, I like that quote!

I might be interested in writing Creeps From the Deep for the dramatic Matoro scene, but I'd probably be better at writing "Legends of Metru Nui" instead :)

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Sure, you can have the ones you want, so I assume it's like this:


04 or 07: Kopaka

03: Teebert

06: Laughin


And I'm still looking Blade, almost done, just give me a bit.

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So would each one be released as a separate epic? (Ex: Bionicle Legacies: The Final Battle, Bionicle Legacies: Web of Shadows) Or would they be released in one big epic topic, with the writers writing their year in chronological order?

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Eight seperate epics.

Also, a thought I had, for those that continue each other (06-07, etc.) that we should figure out how the prior year will end, like for the example, how the 06 epic will end before the beggining of the 07 epic so no mistakes are made in the continuity.


Oh, and for 04, I'd say the epic should go to the end of the voyage book, the one where they find Mavrah.

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About '04: So the '05 epic begins with Maze of Shadows? Have an equal amount of bookspace in each of those two epics?


And the continuity thingy...'Kay. :)

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Guest kopakanuva13


Ooh! Mavrah in the climax! I'll definately do 04, then, rather than 07 because it would be a bit confusing... I didn't really understand all of it in the first place @_@

But make sure the writer doesn't forget the Toa Nuva Blog in the 2007 epic ;)


OK, I'm gonna go big with the morals here, since that's what the focus of 2004 was, and I'm gonna make it waaaay more dramatic, maybe a few Vakama/Nidhiki battles (just like my upcoming SS :sly:)

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I'll take '03 if I write at all... just because it's the one I have the most story of besides '04. Besides, I'd like to retell the Makuta vs. Taka battle.


BTW, thanks again for the avvie Byakuya!

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Guest kopakanuva13


Hey, can '04-'05 possibly be one epic? Since they're back-to-back anyways, and I have some ideas for both. Clip from 05:


Roodaka stared at Matau in disgust as he lifted his bladed hand in a threatening pose.

"Your ugliness repulses me," chuckled Roodaka, obviously pleased that the Visorak's venom had done its job well.

Matau charged forwards at Roodaka, swinging his blade, which she swiftly parried with her own. Coming round with his other hand, Matau fiercely swung down. Roodaka was too fast, she managed to dodge it just in time.

Pushing out, Roodaka sent Matau flying back as she savagely swung her bladed staff down, missing Matau by an inch. She raised it again, ready to bring it down into Matau's skull.

"There's only one thing worse than my appearance," commented Matau.

Roodaka hesitated, and swung down fiercely, ignoring the comment altogether. She missed him by at least a third of a meter.

"Your aim!" he exclaimed.


And then I've got some cool ideas like Turaga Lhikan helping Vakama gain his power after he lost most of it while encountering the Morbuzakh :)

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Yeah, you can do 04/05 as one epic if you wish, and I finally had time to do chapter 1 of the 08 epic, its turning out well.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Will we post simultaneously or chronologically? Wait... let me put that in a different way... Will we post them at the same time or all at once? :P

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I was thinking on that actually, I'd say we finish them all, find the amount of chapters, and then figure it out from there. If a longer year, or one with more content, like my 08 one should have, then I'd say we put them up as we wish, because say they have 25 chapters at the least we have to wait 50 days for possibly the first three years because of how short year 1 was, then the next two years, so that would be a problem.

Long story short, we should probably post chapter one of the first year (or first two, year one is only about six months), then maybe the next day we post the first chapter of year two, and so on.

Also, chapter one of my epic:


Chapter 1


Tanma dove for cover, he, as the current leader of the Av-Matoran settlement at Karda-Nui had one important goal to his comrades, don’t get captured.


He looked up from under the rows of lightvine and saw the angry blue Makuta, Vamprah, flying over him, trying to figure out how to get him.


“I should be safe down here at least.” Tanma said to himself.


He was so close to home before Vamprah had spotted him and decided to try to get another Shadow Matoran in the Makuta’s ranks.


He measured the distance between his current location and the hatch that led down into the Av Matoran’s underground chambers.


“Three seconds to crawl out of the lightvine, five to reach the hatch, three to get it open, one to close it. Twelve seconds, and it’ll take only about three for a Shadow Leech to leech my light, and probably a bit more for Vamprah’s Avsa to get me.” Tanma told himself.


He tightened his grip on his Power Sword, “At least the vines should keep Vamprah and the Leeches away, but not the Avsa.” Tanma told himself and started to slowly move from his cover, moving the spiked vines out of the way.


He looked up at the circling Vamprah and thought, Should he look down I’m finished.


He tore the remaining vines off of him and made a run for the hatch. Vamprah looked down on him and activated his Kanohi.


Tanma was struck, his power was draining, a longer, slower, more painful way of becoming a Shadow Matoran was coming and he wasn’t ready.


“Oh great, our biggest threat was our rocket packs breaking down in the air or harvesting vines from the swamp below, why can’t it be like that again?” He wondered to himself as he reached the hatch.



Shadow Matoran Gavla stalked back and forth outside the Av Matoran village; she had rows of Shadow Matoran standing at attention behind her, ready to invade when the vines were down.


“And to think, one week ago I was one of those week fools.” She started, looking towards the struggling Tanma, “I was lucky, being the first of this new way, sure, these odd claws replacing my hands are a bit annoying at times, especially when a delicate touch is needed, but this new shadow power and other enhancements are far beyond anything I could have dreamed of as an Av Matoran.”


She turned to a fellow Shadow Matoran with black armor; he was the former Av Matoran leader, Kirop. She whispered to him with some urgency in her voice, “Kirop, I want you to take a third of the Matoran to the other side of the village, fly around the stalactites, don’t let them see you.”


Kirop nodded and she walked over to a crimson armored four legged Matoran, “Radiak, I want you to take another third of the Matoran and attack the side of the village next to us, either side, I don’t care, just so you’ll be between Kirop and I, got it?”


Radiak nodded and gestured with one of his legs for Matoran to follow him as he made his way in that direction.


“This should work perfectly.” Gavla said to herself and looked up at Vamprah, “Don’t worry; we’ll open the path for you.”



Antroz sat on a rock outcropping on another stalactite village and looked down on the actions of the Matoran and Vamprah.




The crimson armored Makuta turned around to see the black armored Chirox approaching him.


“Yes Chirox?”


“Look at all those foolish Matoran down there, just skirmishing, Vamprah is taking his time, using his Avsa to leech that Av Matoran, and we’re up here waiting to get in. I say we take matters into our own hands since Vamprah won’t open the path with one of his other powers.”


“Tell me Chirox, when did Teridax announce you leader?” Antroz asked and stood up to face Chirox.


“What do you mean?” Chirox asked.


“I was appointed leader, so what I say goes, we won’t attack, as for Vamprah, he likes the hunt, I’m sure he wouldn’t like to just swoop right in, that’s why he’s going at it from a distance, or was now I guess since that Matoran just got in to the hatch.” Antroz replied.


“I don’t care, I’m going to attack.” Chirox told Antroz.


Antroz reached out, grabbed Chirox’s head and lifted him up with his clawed hand.


“What are you doing?” Chirox asked.


Antroz brutally slammed Chirox’s head into the rock face behind him, “What I say goes, and we’re going to let the Matoran fight each other and then leech survivors, make it a fair fight.”


Chirox spoke, though hard to hear him, “Not fair exactly, or honorable, one regiment down there is a bit more than half of the remaining Av, so not that fair to them.”


Antroz released his grip and let Chirox get up, “It’s fair enough.” He simply stated and flew down.



Tanma quickly sealed the hatch and looked at the faces of his allies, all worried.


One in orange armor, Photok, came forward, “What did you see?”


“Unfortunately most of the Shadow Matoran are out there, ready to attack, and Vamprah is flying around, almost got me with his Avsa.” Tanma replied.


Photok lifted the hatch and saw an annoyed Vamprah flying around the Matoran, speaking to them telepathically.


“I think they’re holding back for now, only a few are coming forward, seven led by Gavla.” Photok told them, “And it looks like Vamprah is using his gravity to tear holes in the vines.”


“Then we should fight, would Kopaka or Tahu back down?” A white armored Matoran asked.


“Solek, I agree, but we can’t risk our lives for no purpose like that, if we had a chance we would, but we don’t.” Tanma replied.


Photok dropped down as he cut the power off of his pack and spoke quickly, “I locked it, but I don’t think it’ll hold long.”


“Have your Power Swords at the ready.” Tanma told them all and they backed up.


“What should we be hearing?” Solek asked.


“Oh you know, beating against it, shadow bolts, slashing, that sort of thing.” Photok replied.


“Ok, just be ready.” Tanma reminded them though the silence still filled the air, an uneasy sort of silence.


The next thing they saw they hadn’t expected, the hatch was instantly shattered.


“What?” Questioned Photok.


“If I’m right, Shattering power.” Solek replied.


“Hold your ground.” Tanma told them all.


Vamprah dropped down and supported himself on his wing blades and small legs and looked at the Matoran as his eight Shadow Matoran dropped in behind him.


“What do we do?” Solek asked.


“Run.” Tanma whispered back and as Vamprah looked at them almost questioningly they all broke into a run down the corridor.


Vamprah tried to spread his wings to fly after them but couldn’t in the cramped corridor, so he settled on scuttling after them.


Tanma who was in the lead stopped, “This is it!” He yelled to them as all arrived.


They all looked at a small hatch built into the wall, “A light hatch, it requires light from at least three beings, so fire!” He yelled to them and many bursts of light struck the hatch and opened it into another chamber.


Solek who entered last looked at Vamprah as he arrived and slammed the door shut on the blue armored Makuta.


They all collapsed onto the ground of the dimly lit chamber, it wasn’t a good situation, but they were alive and safe for another day.


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Guest kopakanuva13


I read some of it, but I have to finish my homework so I couldn't read it in detail. Seems really cool to me! ^_^

Here's what I have of the Prologue so far:


By Kopaka the Biomechanical



The Toa Nuva had just heard the most surprising thing since Takua had been transformed into a Toa of Light. Vakama leaned on his staff and exhaled deeply.

"What?" exclaimed Pohatu, "Not the first Toa?"

"No," breathed the Turaga of Fire, "in fact, there were many before you."

"I... I can't believe it," boomed the surprised Tahu.

"I can," said Gali silently, "I... already... sort of knew."

"How? Did the Turaga secret-tell you this before?" questioned Lewa.

"No," said Gali, "It was sort of... a guess, but when I saw this carving in an underwater cave..."

Nokama's eyes lit up, and she almost grinned at the fact that Gali had discovered it.

"But we are not here to tell you merely a fact," said Vakama, "We are here to tell you a story."

"A story, eh?" cut in Lewa, "I'm always ever-ready for a good Turaga-tale!"

"This is like no story we have ever told you before," said Vakama solemnly, "So far, what you've experienced is... May I call it... black and white... good and evil."

Vakama paused.

"Turaga, explain yourself," commented Tahu, "What do you mean?"

"It's hard to put it into words, but... Everything you've faced so far has been... good or bad. Makuta versus Toa, Matoran versus Rahi. But I believe the world... is much different than that. Let us pretend that good and evil is... Dye. You have white dye, and you have black dye. But if they are together, there is no border between them. There is grey."

"I see what you are saying," said Onua silently.

"I believed it would be you, Onua, to be the first to understand. Yes. In the world out there, there is no good or evil. Only... some are more wicked than others, while some are more noble. This story is not like the ones you have ever heard before, it is much... darker."


And then I had to stop writing :P

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That's great Kopaka, I'm looking forward to Vakama speaking to them like that, I think this will be a great project if we can get someone to do every year or two years, and if I must, I'll also write 07 if no one else wants to.

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I guess if no one else'll take it, I'll do '02 as well, if that's okay. Now that I remember I can alter a few things in it, I'm more than happy to take it. Plus, as '02's ending leads right into '03's start...

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Fine with me Teebert.

Ok everyone, post the year you want to write so I do know which one and I can put it in as a new entry.

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Ok, so:


02/03: Teebert

08: Me


Now we just need the others confirmation, but I believe:

04/05: Kopaka


So, I'd also take 07 unless someone else wanted it, so in that case, only 01 and 06 are left, 01 is short, so I may do it if no one else does, which leaves 06, and I believe Laughin Man said he wanted it, though I'm not sure on that.

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We-ell. *cracks knuckles* I'll be getting started. So are we going to release these epics with an umbrella title to show how they're linked together?

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