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Writers, Please Come

Grey Snow


Well, the reason I'm calling writers here, good Bionicle writers that is, is because I have a great, epic idea for the epics forum.

I'll soon be starting an epic called Legacies of the Final Battle, an 08 epic in my own way, so I got to thinking, that would be great to rewrite every year.

Something I'd call Project: Legends of BIONICLE

So, if you're interested, let me know for writing a year of the story in an epic, adding whatever you want (side stories, etc.). Here's a list of the years:


01: Quest for the Masks

02: Bohrok Swarms

03: Bohrok Kal/Mask of Light

04: Legends of Metru Nui

05: Web of Shadows

06: Island of Doom

07: Creeps of the Deep

08: The Final Battle (mine)


Also, anyone think this is a good quote? I came up with it for the 08 epic I'm doing:


“Toa, you are truly an eternal anachronism. You fight for justice, but what truly is justice? Is it only in your eyes, or in every eye, good and evil?” --Antroz


Any thoughts on that quote?


That is all.


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Sure, let's go with:

Project: Legends of Bionicle

(epic name)


So for me:

Project: Legends of Bionicle

Legacies of the Final Battle


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01: no one yet

02/03: Teebert

04/05: Kopaka

06: Laughin'

07 (possibly)/08: Me


The only reason I may not do 07 is because of how long I plan on making 08.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Cool, Legends of Bionicle: Legends of Metru Nui has a nice ring to it ^_^

I'll confirm I'm doing 2004-2005 :)

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Teebert, works for me.


Ok, so we need someone for 01, only six months of story, so not that hard, and then 07 for me as well if I have time since I'm adding many side stories into 08, like something with Lewa, Vican and Kopaka involving the Swamp, a lot of things with the Order and more, so that may be a problem, though I wouldn't add side stories to 07.

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Since Kopaka posted the prolouge to his, I thought you might be interested in seeing the prolouge to BIONICLE: Island of Doom.




A soft breeze blew through the air of the city of Metru Nui, stirring up dust from the ruins of ancient buildings. The stars above the City of Legends shone dimly in the night sky, as the small, slightly-hunched being walked solemly toward the great Coliseum, looming like a dark titan against the starry sky.

So beautiful, the solitary figure thought, gazing at the stars sadly. Too bad they will not last...

He continued his walk at a faster pace now, knowing that the news he must deliver was far too important to wait.


Soon, he had come upon the entrance to the great Coliseum. An arched doorway was dircetly in front of him, a battered yet still working control panel to one side. He approached it swiftly and punched in a 6-digit code in the Matoran language. Immediatly the door in front of him sled upward, allowing him entrance into the tiny circular elevator.

The elevator rose very slowly, and for several minutes it even seemed as if it was not moving at all. Finally, however, it stopped. The door slid up once again, this time leading way into a long, narrow hallway, bright lightstone torches lighting the way through the darkness. The figure made his way down the hallway and came to a stop in front of a very large protosteel door. After typing the 6-digit code into yet another control panel, the figure waited as the heavy door opened wide.

He was now standing in the entranceway of a large room, filled with antiques and artifacts of all kinds, as well as a large steel table and seven chairs. In six of these chairs sat other small, hunched beings much like himself, waiting intently for him to enter and take the last seat. He walked to the end of the table and seated himself in the largest, though battered and worn, chair.


The being, whose name was Turaga Dume, cleared his throat and looked around the table at the other six beings. A memory was sparked in his mind of a time long ago, when these small, frail beings were the strong Toa Metru, guardians of the great city and protectors of Dume himself. But time and many battles had eventually caused these warriors of power to sacrifice their energy and be transformed into the Turaga they were today.


He sighed and cleared his throat again. He was not eager at all to tell the others of what he had learned, but he knew that there was no choice.

"Fellow Turaga of Metru Nui," he began, "you know not why I asked you here. But it is time for me to be honest about what Nuju and I," he gestured to a white and grey Turaga seated to his left, "have discovered."

The other Turaga looked at each other nervously, for although they did not know what Dume was about to tell them, they could see it was gravely important by the tone of his voice and the serious expression on his mask.

"Yesterday Nuju and I were watching the stars, trying to make sense of their positions and movements in our sky. And we noticed that they seemed much dimmer than they have in the past, and much stiller. Nuju read through the ancient tablets and discovered text that told of this phenomenon and it's very disturbing cause." Here he paused and studied the faces of the other six Turaga, especially Nuju. The Turaga of Ice had a sad, fightened expression on his face that mirrored Dume's own.

"Friends, Nuju and I have discovered that the Great Spirit Mata Nui is dying."

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