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Smokey Haze And Electric Fans




Just a few minutes ago I was sitting here at my desk, doing my own thing-thing like I do every so often. Well actually, I had just gotten off Xbox Live and was hoping some of my friends were on Instant Messenger, but that's besides the point. The point is, I was minding my own business up here in my room when I caught a wiff of smoke!

I pretty much dropped what I was doing and started sniffing around. It smelled a bit like something was burning/melting, so my first thought was that one of the many overused power outlets in my room had gone haywire. I sniffed around some more, all the way around my room but couldn't quite pinpoint the origin of the smell. And I didn't see anything smoking. Maybe it was a neighbor's campfire outside? It didn't quite smell like campfire, and when I sniffed out my window, all I smelt was fresh flowering trees. Nope, definitely not from outside.

So I exited my room, door left, and sniffed down the hallway - oh yeah, the smell was definitely carrying from some other place in the house, down the hallway, and into my room. So it wasn't MY precious possessions that were smoldering. It was something else. Hooray! … Wait. Burning HOUSE is not good! D'oh.

So I go to the staircase, and I see Mom standing at the bottom. She looks up at me - and she sees my raised eyebrows - and before I can inquire as to whether anyone ELSE smells this burning smell, she says firmly, "Don't ask."

Since I value my life, I kept my mouth shut. Mom asked if I had a fan in my room - I have one of those dual-fan stick-in-your-window types - and she had me put it in my window to get the air flowing through the house to the outside. Then she sent me down to the basement to get a larger stand-up fan to put in the hallway. When I got to the first floor I saw every door and window open, and several of our stand-up fans blowing towards the outside. And it still smelled like smoke.

I ran into my sister in the basement, as we were both getting fans. But the most surprising thing was the smoke in the air! The basement was smokey. I beg your pardon for my overuse of that word, but really, it was thick enough to see. And even stranger, the cellar door to the basement was wide open. (Apparently we were fumigating and I had missed the memo.)

So I grabbed my fan and headed upstairs - now I could see that it was a bit hazy upstairs too - and my parents were both there. I asked if there was anything else I could do.

"No… we've messed things up well enough on our own, thank you!" Was my mom's reply.

She seemed calm, so after a moment of silence I decided to ask what had actually happened. She curtly replied again that I should not ask, then returned to what she was doing.

So our house seems fine. Every fan we own is blowing to get the smell and smoke out. It smells a bit like a campfire now, which isn't bad.

...I just wanna know why our basement was filled with smoke!! It's just so WEIRD! (Personally, it seems to me that somebody did something stupid, and they're too embarassed to tell. :o :rolleyes: )

Listening to: Moonlight Shadow remix over and over and over....

Hmm. I need a more creative way to sign off. Unless you guys thing that 'signoffs' can be irritating? Sometimes they can be. Do you find them irritating? Maybe I could find a cool one... or maybe I'll just always do something random? Spontenaiety is cool. (I'll be darned if I typed that word right the first time!)


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Try ~S.


And when you can, tell us about where the smoke was coming from. You mom has to spill the beans eventually. :D


Oh, and try Mozilla Firefox as an internet browser. It spots incorrect spellings.



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I've been asked by another friend just what that smoke was about... as of today, I still have no idea. XP

And actually, no, mom doesn't have to.


Eh? Oh! It's more fun to guess on words like that, and let other people point out that it's wrong. It's really pretty funny to get, say, a handful of spelling freaks in here pointing their fingers at me. "You added atn 'E'!! Sacrilege!" "That 'A' is in the wrong spot! HANG HER!"

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