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Kakama Model




Hey, I finally figured that blasted Kakama!! You'd think that it was an easy mask, you really would, because it looks deceptivly simple. Well, I did, anyway. But it's not... it's flat in front but at a curve, with the two incoming sides at an angle, curving in again, plus the whiskers. Hrmmm.

Like before, 1oo% hand-made clay Kakama model. Whoot!

So, here y'are, introducing: Kakama, Mask of Speed.


Ooh, and I'm halfway through scanning comic 3! I would have had it done the other day, but then all the thunderstorms and tornado-watches hit us. Had to power down everything computer-related, then watch the weather. The torrential rain was amazing! No tornados did actually form in our little area, though, thank goodness. The mini-floods are doing enough damage to farmer's crops and people's homes, thankyouverymuch!

I'm so very sorry to hear about those poor folks in the Dells - their homes being swept away, into the river. Oh, that and the lake being misplaced. Yep. The 'lake' is now dry land, and what was dry land is flooded over!
(An e-mail from the Dells, however, cheerfully informes us that most of the riverside shops are still open, however!!)

YOU HEAR THAT? SHOPPING! CDs, informational books, postcards, matted photos, funny t-shirts and knick-knacks galore! Ohh, there was this REALLY pretty skirt up in one shop there that I saw last summer, but it was too expensive... I'm cheap, I really am. (Though I have to say 'thrifty' sounds better than 'frugal'.)


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Actually, with the recent attention to Heir of the Chronicler's stuff... yeah. :P It's something I'm going to think about!

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