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For those of you wondering, I'm one of those people crazy enough to put himself on his own contact list on MSN...


But, this raises a few questions:


First of all: Why am I unable to contact myself via Instant Message on MSN Messenger, and am instead redirected to Microsoft Inbox for me to email myself. WHY am I prohibited from creating a conversation with myself?! I would have some rather interesting discussions, and I certainly know more about what I would like to discuss than my other contacts.


Second of which: Should I attempt to add myself to my friends list here? I've been itching to, but if I recall correctly, I recall something about some random person recalling something about adding himself/herself to it's friends list, and having it's computer act all strangely on it, and shutting down, and stuff. Does anyone know if this is true, just a-one-in-a-million mishap, or is it likely to happen to me if I try, or should I not even bother?


And lastly: Am I insane? Then again, how do I know you aren't insane, and are just giving me silly advice that a crazy person would give? On that note, why do I even bother going to a site FULL OF CRAZY PEOPLE?!



Thank you for your time,






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