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My Would-be Suitor, Pt. 2




A few days ago I introduced you to Mike, a staffer at a camp where I work. Go read the entry if you're curious. =p

Mike and I ended up cutting towels in to washcloth-rags the other night, because the kitchen was totally out of them (and that's a Food Service Disaster!!) This process ended up making lots and lots of little fuzzies that landed all over our clothing. I brushed mine off, but Mike didn't, and he was covered in them.

Weeeeelll a few minutes later I was back in the kitchen helping Kim put away more supper leftovers, when we overheard Mike, all alone in the Small Kitchen, saying out loud to no one in particular, "FuzzyWuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?..."

Kim, who's been a real sport about her match-making gone awry, looked at me and said, "And to think he could have been yours!"


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