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It's The Perfect Daaay~





So yeah everything was awesome. Lot of fun, lots of gum…


Then we did tug-of-war as the last activity, and someone thought it would be a good idea to wrap the rope around their hand. It ended up knotting around his fingers and he had to go to the hospital.


Then we went inside to take attendance to make sure nobody ran away or something, and the principal made some announcements, one being that the day had been "perfect".





On this perfect day,

Nothing's standing in my way

On this perfect day,

When nothing can go wrong

Except maybe getting my fingers crushed by a rope,

Then my day might be on the suckish side


Recommended Comments

There was tug-of-war during the pep session Friday.


The Sophomores and Juniors ( :( ) got steamrollered. But no one got hurt.



Also, songmod is funny.

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