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Jean Valjean


:kaukau: I'm not allowed to go into much detail on this, but I will simply state that I support McCain and Palin today in this historic election. I have given quite a bit of thought into this.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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Really, I have no comment. All of my comments aren't allowed under the "no politics" rule.


I can say that I support your support for McCain.

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Really, I have no comment. All of my comments aren't allowed under the "no politics" rule.


I can say that I support your support for McCain.



McCain/Palin '08


'Cause that's the way I roll.


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Yay, fellow McCain/Palin-ers! :happydance: I hope they win, even with what ACORN's doing. For those who don't know, they're registering dead people and children and homeless people to vote. Multiple times. *Shivers in fright* If Obama wins, my parents said we're moving to Alaska.

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So long as you don't think that Obama's evil because he happened to once be affiliated with ACORN (in something that, no less, had nothing to do with what ACORN's been doing lately), I've no problems with supporting McCain and company. I mean, that's why we have elections!
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