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A Ghost Story



I just finished writing the first chapter to this work of literature I'm writing that most of you will never hear of, and felt compelled to write something most of you will actually enjoy. Mind you, it's not as awesome as what I'm writing- BUT it is a BZPower exclusive.




It was the thirteenth hour of the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month. At this time, a certain people rejected logic and observed a thirteenth month-thus, they had a very inaccurate perception of what year it was. BUT while this happened, a man by the name of "Rufus" was doing something, something so awesome that mere mortals cannot grasp it's complex nature- it was called USING THE COMPUTOR MACHINE. While practicing such horrifying things, thar was "LIGHTNING" which zapped and/or coursed through the power lines, or conduits, or whatever they used THEN the computor machine asploded at RUFUS and the fire from it started attack rufus!(wut) SO THEN HE /disablcapslokplzkthnx was all liek "OMG IM ON FIRE OR FIRE AR ATTACKIGN ME OR SOMETHING ME OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG halp." THEN he ran into a room with ppl inininininit and said "HAI GAIZ IMMA GUN DAI N TURN INTO GOAST NAO KTHNXBAI" then he dyed


THEN thirteen years later, a man name "bob" went to wer rufus diededed n stuf bcuz he wuz liek want to get scared ur sumthin. thin RUFUSIS GOAST COMED OWT FROM GROUND and bob knowed it wuz rufuz coz it wuz a goats and had LAZOR VISHSHUN LIEK RUFUS DID so he screemd and rufus goast fireded hiz lazorz at bob, but bob was too awesomer to be shooted at so he didn't die and rufus did and everthing indinddindndindnid hapiley in conclusivly








I was bored and felt the need to post something in my blog, in other words. :\







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