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We're The Fantastic Four

Takuma Nuva


Avohkah Tamer. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer. Laughin'Man. Myself.


It just makes sense, you know? We're fantastic and there's four of us. And we each have something that makes us great.


Avohkah Tamer, for instance. He can find anything on the internet that we're looking for and he's great for keeping us up to date on the latest and greatest. B)


Laughin'Man has a great taste for music and he just brings that extra awesomeness to our four-way conferences. And it never gets old hearing what he'll dream up to do for Turakii next. :lovesign:


Turakii. She's popular. She's staff. She's crazy. She also brings that certain femininity nobody can do without. Not to mention she's good for reminding us just which animals are cute and which one's aren't. :wub:


Me, well, I have no idea what good I am. Why do they let me stick around...? :unsure:



EDIT: You know, I didn't even think about it before, but the real Fantastic Four consists of three guys and a girl as well. :o


Ironic, eh? Well, I guess that automatically makes Laughin'Man and Turakii Mr. and Mrs. Fantastic respectively.


That leaves me and Avohkah Tamer with with The Thing and Human Torch. Hmm... It's been settled. AT is Human Torch and I'm The Thing.




Oh, and I know what the rest of you are thinking. No, you can't be Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, or Galactus. :P




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No, you can't be Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, or Galactus. :P


*Walks away sadly* :P


Fine, then I'm Iron Man! :lol: *Blasts everything in site with missiles* :P

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And I'm...




The little guy that tags along every so often. :P





Dr. DoomNuva and GalacTor. Those have nice rings to them. :biggrin: I might make an exception for you and DudeNuva. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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And I'm...




The little guy that tags along every so often. :P





Dr. DoomNuva and GalacTor. Those have nice rings to them. :biggrin: I might make an exception for you and DudeNuva. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:






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You've clearly got a lot of time on your hands if you can think up of something like this.



No, wait, wrong super-hero...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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And I'm...




The little guy that tags along every so often. :P

You think you get that job? Pah. I'm even littler then you. It's mine.


I'm just a nameless civilian.


That's all I EVER am. XD

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And I'm...




The little guy that tags along every so often. :P

You think you get that job? Pah. I'm even littler then you. It's mine.


I'm just a nameless civilian.


That's all I EVER am. XD

Oh no no no, Tahu01. We already figured out who you were!


You're the doctor that was giving Victor Von Doom an exam in the movie. :mellow:


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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And I'm...




The little guy that tags along every so often. :P

You think you get that job? Pah. I'm even littler then you. It's mine.


I'm just a nameless civilian.


That's all I EVER am. XD

Oh no no no, Tahu01. We already figured out who you were!


You're the doctor that was giving Victor Von Doom an exam in the movie. :mellow:


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

I never saw the movies. :(


You've already decided on me? Why wasn't I even notified that a decision was made about me? :o


...I didn't know I was so little that I didn't even have to be present to figure out who I wanted to be... DX

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You've clearly got a lot of time on your hands if you can think up of something like this.



No, wait, wrong super-hero...

I wasn't kidding.


If I was, I'd say "I'm Mr. Dynastic! I can stretch the truth on any story!"

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You've clearly got a lot of time on your hands if you can think up of something like this.



No, wait, wrong super-hero...

I wasn't kidding.


If I was, I'd say "I'm Mr. Dynastic! I can stretch the truth on any story!"

I actually don't have "a lot" of time on my hands. It's just something I thought up randomly one day. I think it was while I was in bed trying to get to sleep as a matter of fact...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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You've clearly got a lot of time on your hands if you can think up of something like this.



No, wait, wrong super-hero...

I wasn't kidding.


If I was, I'd say "I'm Mr. Dynastic! I can stretch the truth on any story!"

I actually don't have "a lot" of time on my hands. It's just something I thought up randomly one day. I think it was while I was in bed trying to get to sleep as a matter of fact...

Funny, that's where half of my ideas come from...


*ends discussion*

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