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A Rant On The Epics Forum

Dr. Keerakh


Giggle polarity nunchucks belligerent spoon Akkadian projector riptide shigellosis brandy squalid yin-yang Orpheus.


praetor trophic Gilgamesh fo shizzle swizzle stick




-Dr. K


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Pancake mushroom demon gourd fish laser blog pink punk plank certain messed growl.


Happy last freak mad bills oxide toxic.




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Prokaryote sediment tassle flame tapir Methuselah saturation floodgate transitive Hadrian extirpate Warner dervish collective binary fenestration canyonism. :)


-Dr. K

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Lobotomy Elmo syntax quiche Vince estimation patriarchal pew limeade Chukchi greaves spindle sorcery extirpation Fresno.


EDIT (cremation): Do NOT invoke my 691 run-on sentence of terror.


-Dr. K of the Moravian Deccan

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“Hello Beastie,” said Mark Spitz as he juggled lemon curry pies topped with cuttlefish liver solution while riding on an ATV over a balsa-wood bridge above the chasm of unending horrors and robotic cow undergraduates who slaved away at toilet cleaning jobs at the Wal-Mart customer service division while doing Geometry Proofs to decide whether the grass from their Chia-Pet was igneous or metamorphic as a direct result of the ravaging of the Shire by Vishnu in a chariot pulled by trans-species polar bears stimulated with growth hormones as produced under the ex-convict Popeye who has recently finished publishing his abridged commentary on Les Miserables at the Comic-Con convention in Djibouti, New Mexico where Carthaginian immigrants have also been seen operating a massive robotic spider in order to instill fear into the pancreases of the local serfs and wall scrubbers of Aboriginal order due to unprecedented rebellions from the anti-Socratic Method League of Extraordinary Gentlemen who were filed suit against in 1897 as a result of their negligence in the control and rehabilitation of obese horses by the name of Alfonso in the Canned Meat Strike of Gibraltar in 1896 due to unfavorable restroom conditions and a haunting specter by the name of Quincy who happened to be a beheaded donkey from the Sumerian days who had accidently provoked the wrath of Utnapishtim in a fiery demolition of a mildewed house for Extreme Makeover: Nose Edition on Live Japanese children’s television programming during segments of the beloved show “Sacagewea and the Red-Nosed Triceratops of Billings from the Saturnalia Chainsaw Massacre of eleventy-twelve-01” in which frequent appearances by Genghis Khan resulted in an international rickroll in the Antarctica Olympics the next summer by means of the Flat Earth Society and Animal Cops: Houston with the diversion of imploding durians on the track field as orchestrated by the Philharmonic of Vatican City, where recent Yeti sighting have not yet been verified by the Ronald McDonald Home of Greater Charlotte or by Al Capone, who was recently reported in Mexican tabloids to have formed a peace treaty with Vin Diesel to support abandoned pet rocks name Methuselah; at the same time in a sports bar in Wales a corrupted Sith Lord by the name of Michael Vick was treading on thin ice after reportedly having crushed the car of local town mayor Gub-Gub after he was wronged by a Used Golf Ball cashier by the name of Gauis Cornelius, a famed bed-maker and fish strangler who had been the first man to break the seal of Mighty-Putty while dancing atop a convulsing walrus in Tiananmen Square as he proceeded to eat a chicken-pot pie through his fingernails in a display never before seen except by the Mars Rovers during a week-long sojourn in Stalingrad as a reward for their monetary donations to Chucke Cheese’s Save a Flower campaign in 2006, which had reportedly been responsible for the mass spaghetti tree famine of ’74 due to T. Boone Picken’s international diplomatic Casual Friday death toll which was brought about by a horrendously done reenactment of the Cambrian Explosion by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in a sinking yacht somewhere off of Uzbekistan for a public fundraiser for the Care and Treatment of Artificial Life Forms, a campaign which apparently only earned 7 cents and actually went towards the publishing of J. K. Rowling’s newest book : “Living in a Post-Mortem Watermelon Farm: How to Learn The Star Spangled Banner in 7 Minutes and Enact a Genocide Against Lemurs in your Lunch-Break from a Water-tower”, which reportedly bombed (Germany) and ended up used a fodder for three-legged rabbit hunting bearcats named Godfrey, a species that resulted from a massive influenza epidemic that occurred during a Boxing Day celebration at Stonehenge by Geico and Rubix Cube manufacturers who had been the first to try and promote the idea of Hanukkah Harry in Benin and had failed miserably as a result of the miscalculation of aqueduct trajectory and the misuse of anti-tank dogs to break up an anarchist convention in Belize in which Chuck Norris’s beard was supposedly burnt as an offering to Sauron during the commercial breaks of Spongebob in which the Standing Stones of Stenness crumbled under the weight of a fascist polarizing ambidextrous gazelle.




-Dr. K

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