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*has A Good Happy Scream* (grades!)




Grades are in.


3.77, oh happy day!

(I thought for sure the B+ would be a C!! WUT??)

Anyway, recap: I had been signed up for five classes at my University at the beginning of the semester, but one of them was awful. All but one of my classes were reading- and writing-intensive, and after two weeks of misery I finally dropped that one icky class.

It's a good thing I did, too, because if I HAD kept it, all my grades would have suffered horrible fates. But now I have proof that if I work hard (but don't over-do the class load), I good grades can be had in college. =D

I'm all signed up for the Spring semester. I suddenly found out there was a particularly awesome professor teaching the same class I'm signed up for, but at a different time. So I got on the waiting list for HIS class. Yesterday somebody dropped so I got into it. Now I have the class I want, but there's a time discrepancy: I'll have to drop my extra 1-credit Health class because of a 15-minute overlap.

It's a bit annoying, because the 1-cred Health is a Core (Gen. Ed.) and I wanted to get it out of the way, but oh well, b/c I GOT THE PROFF I WANTED. (His class better be worth it!! XP) Anyway, I'll have more time to work at the new (second) job, this one on campus.


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