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Daniel Jackson Dance



bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored booooooooooooooooooored!


Someone entertain meeeeeeeeeeeee




*does the banana dance* bananaanim.gif


No, wait... the DANIEL JACKSON DANCE. *plays Leekspin and does the UAV*


FIRST, you hold your arms out at your sides and run in circles. Next is the twirl 'n point, done most effectively at Colonel Jack O'Neill when you're mad at him for not understanding your important studying/diplomatic/peaceful methods. (Also known as the 'angry chicken' in some parts of the world...)


Follow it up with a UAV Reprise! Hold arms out and stomp - STOMP ON THAT BIRD!! Drat, the naked villagers painted white don't quite get it yet. So Race Your Partner!


Then twirl them, and gives them a nice push forward (particularly if your partner is Vala MalDoran).


Then catch up!


Ohh, next is the Foothold. My favorite! Daniel runs like a dork with one hand on a gun, and the other flinging back and forth for balance. CROSS YOUR LEGS IN FRONT OF EACH OTHER AS YOU RUN, stretch your arms out and shoot at everything that moves!!!


Should look something like this.



The Twist 'N' Point

The UAV Reprise

(JUMP BEHIND THE BED So Vala's husband doesn't see you!!)

Race Your Partner (!!)

Twirl and Push

Now fall through the Stargate and do a corny imitation of Farscape!

Catch Up

And The Foothold (don't forget the arm-flailing and erratic shooting)



Got it?


Yeah, I think the painted white man's got it. Something like that. MOVING ON.



NOW, do it backwards!!


Hey, the white men will stare at you either way.


oooh, now we add the Col. O'Neill-kissing-Samantha-Carter dip, or the sarcophagus-inebriated Daniel Jackson 'hopping' off his seat (with a spring to his step)


Seven minutes well spent narrating a 3-min vid. YAY.


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