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Glatorian - Bio-mechanical Or Not?



Lots of questions on the various inhabitants of the BM universe and whether they are bio-mechanical or not. I held off answering until I could consult with the story team, but now have an answer for you.


As you know, MU characters are bio-mechanical. A Toa or Matoran or Dark Hunter, etc. is normally about 85% mechanical and 15% organic (the organic being muscle tissue, lungs, etc.)


BM characters are also bio-mechanical -- however, they are more like 85% organic and 15% mechanical (note that helmets and armor do not count as part of the mechanical, since they are just equipment that can be put on or taken off. I am talking actual permanent mechanical parts of the body.)


So BM beings are closer to, for example, an organic being who happens to have some mechanical implants, as opposed to a largely mechanical being who happens to have some organic elements.



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I think it's interesting that Greg answers one question and the response is twenty more on whether the Glatorian can go to the bathroom or not. Really? :P

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Eh, figured as much. Due to the fact that I have heard that the Glatorian and Agori aren't completely mechanical, and that they're more organic, I've'd guessed something like that. I just can't wait for the stories.

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A few answers:


1) No, they are not "born" with the implants.

2) I have no idea how they will deal with this in the movie or if they will deal with it in the movie. I have not seen any movie animation.

3) This was a story team decision, based in large part on our wanting to distance BM from old BIONICLE. If we just did "Toa" again without calling them Toa, that would be pretty dull.

4) The whole "ocular implants" thing was an example -- I'm not saying every bone hunter has that or even that most do, it's just an example of something they might have that would be useful.

5) It is always going to be difficult to do organic with Technic pieces. At the same time, if you look at a 2001 Toa set, you can't tell he has organic muscle tissue and organic lungs or anything organic at all, but he does. You just use your imagination.



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This seems to make little sense...


They're still using some primitive kind of launcher when they have body-enhancing technology..?


The Mata Nui Matoran didn't know they were machines, or understand the technology, so it made sense for them to be primitive, but if the Bara Magnans are making ocular implants..


I dunno.

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This seems to make little sense...


They're still using some primitive kind of launcher when they have body-enhancing technology..?


The Mata Nui Matoran didn't know they were machines, or understand the technology, so it made sense for them to be primitive, but if the Bara Magnans are making ocular implants..


I dunno.


The Bara Magnans don't have a lot of resources at their disposal. They'd probably rather make implants that would improve their life in the desert than develop sophisticated weaponry. Or, the implants are from before the cataclysm.

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So, let's use an Agori for example:


Berix is hot one day in the Vulcanus arena. He decides to take off his helmet, which sits on his metalic skull. Can he continue taking off armor, or is his armor exoskeletal like a lobster's or insect's?


Please answer.

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A few answers:


1) No, they are not "born" with the implants.

2) I have no idea how they will deal with this in the movie or if they will deal with it in the movie. I have not seen any movie animation.

3) This was a story team decision, based in large part on our wanting to distance BM from old BIONICLE. If we just did "Toa" again without calling them Toa, that would be pretty dull.

4) The whole "ocular implants" thing was an example -- I'm not saying every bone hunter has that or even that most do, it's just an example of something they might have that would be useful.

5) It is always going to be difficult to do organic with Technic pieces. At the same time, if you look at a 2001 Toa set, you can't tell he has organic muscle tissue and organic lungs or anything organic at all, but he does. You just use your imagination.





Are the agori/glatorian almost 100% covered in armor, which would explain their completely mechanical look?

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So what essentially happens is...


They know how to use all technology, and even remember..


but they are not and cannot make any types of technology.


They go only as far as...repairing it.

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Hmm. It seems that swords are now 70 % more effective than before. :P



That's faulty mathematics actually. If you do the math, swords are now more like 566% more effective then before.

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ahh i see nice one greg so there more like upgraded organics is it safe to say that these upgrades happened before the shattering?

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