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Cot Thread

MT Zehvor


At the request of Mesonak, and because every time I add an entry it gets way off topic, I present the completely off topic thread, where you can talk about anything completely off topic.




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Feud list: Levy vs. Mesonak.


Levy vs. Ts.


Levy vs. MT when a fad comes up.


Brenmac vs. Tahu.


MT vs. Mesonak.


That's all I can think of. Oh, and In Bohrok report, When I posted "Editing other peoples posts. O, that's cool" It was a complament. But, MT you should have just posted your response.


I'll remember that for next time...

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Wait, it's just Janex vs Levacius! If Levacius wins(Which he might) I get to fight him.


That's not fair, because you have two and Levy has one. Levy, pick another guy to fight with you.


You forgot Levy vs Janex.


That one's not really a feud yet..



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No, it was funny. But if it is serious, thank you, and...
















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So, I need someone to help me fight then, do I. In that case, I pick my best friend in my story, Oriouss. Here's my Bio, coming from the Vector Sigma databanks (Brenmac just might know where Vector Sigma comes from)


Name: Oriouss.


Species: Ancient Titan.


Elemental Powers: Basic power is light, and can use it at toa levels. Can also manipulate the other elements (Except Life, Time, and Shadow), but is unable to create them. Basically, toa of fire blasts him, he can grab onto it and send it back.


Weaponry: Wields a huge scythe in his right hand ables able to do two powers: Titans Slam, in which he uses his brute force to create a shockwave, and Titans Hook, which he can use to pick up a smaller being (He's at least 17' tall in the Bionicle story, 3'8" as a Bionicle set) and fling them away. His left arm has a huge shield attached that can reflect 40% of elemental powers.


Non-Elemental Powers: Has a large head with two head-like figures on its side (these are his eyes) and can use these eyes to see invisible and hidden beings, or perform a powerful heat blast. The heat blast, however, blinds him for about 10 seconds.


Appearance: Huge and muscular. Armor is black due to a battle against a Fire Tarrasque (not Tahtorak), just like Levacius againt Quaran Lord Anirax (onlt Levacius suffered from Dark Lightning).


Traits: Feeds off of light in a perculiar way. Can only last about 72 hours outside of a lighted area without going unconcious, and only 94 without death. If he did die in combat or from light loss (or seemed to), and Levacius saw it, a special serum (Liches Brew) Levacius once accidentaly took would go to work in the grief dealing and enraged Levacius, and the toa of lightnings entire body would turn pale white, his eyes would become a blazing flame of green, and the toa would become invulnerable to anything (even the Vahi or Ignika) and would become obssessed with the idea of destroying Oriouss' killer.


Bio: [From Levacius' Personal Log] Ever since being stranded in The Matoran Universe with no way home with Oriouss, the two of us have become the greatest of friends. From the time we left Korinax to the time we entered Quarzyx, the two of us have looked out for each other. But now, seeing as I am trapped in the Ethereal Plane, I hope that he can remain at peace where he is now. Now if only I can find the Color Pools. Maybe then I'll find a dimension where I can settle myself... wait, I see one!


Oriouss is with me in the fight becase MT has the powers to alter some reality. His powers allow an image of Oriouss with all his powers and memories to be there, and this image is also physical.


And yes, despite the fact that he is so powerful, he can pretty much fit in this fight. I'll list his weaknesses here: affected greatly by shadow and poison, cannot hold his shields powers for too long, nor can he hold back great waves of another element. And if Janex or Mesonak kill him somehow... well, thats the end. In lich form, my very touch can kill you, and I am immune to everything except for weapons strong enough to survive plunging in the sun, and flame can repel me for a very short time. In this form, I can also teleketically move anything or send out waves of energy able to tear out most anything hit by it.


I'm scary in that form. Plus, due to the nature of me being in Boxtus, I really think that the image is the real Oriouss, and can't really die. Mainly because of my condition as a... ethereal being. Simply put, I'm bound to the Physical Plane by MT. If I die, I'll simply fade away for a short time. Then, I'll eventually reform into a basic spirit, a petty being. Then, I'll be back as an (ethereal) toa.


And really, I don't know if I'll win this fight. I might, I might not. My chances are probably higher against these two with Oriouss helping than when I thought Omega Turtle. But I don't really know. All we can do is wait..... and watch....


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Yep, you have a very good chance of winning. But so do I. Here are my weaknessess. I have extreme weakness to light. Not lightning, but Light. I can throw up a shield made up ice to block it, but light can destroy that too in approximatley 30 seconds. From that point on, I have to rely on my agility to avoid the light. That and the fact that my psychic blade only works in close combat. Like, I can't levitate you into the air when I'm feet away...I can only do it when I am up close.

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Uh, the guy's kind of invincible to anything but an overload of coffee.


I'm sorry, I will try to get the finished fight up soon, but I have been really busy soon.



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A hobbit? Levacius, are you really fighting this guy?


Go pick on someone your own size.



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Omega is easy for someone like me, because I can fly. And due to the fact he runs on caffeine, I could just use a gun able to blast the DNA of what remains from TM at Omega, causing him to become extremely weak. After that, we carry him away in a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, and cast him into the fires of Mordor throw him into that abyss that they threw Megatron in Megatron is dumped in at the end of the Transformers Movie.


Plus, has anyone noticed in the Revenge of the Fallen commercials that the one giant guy looks like he's rolling on a Dyson Wheel?


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Omega is easy for someone like me,


I seem to remember a certain fight in a fighting championship a while ago...do you remember who won?


Do you have an Power miner's sets?,.


Nope. I've lost interest of everything Lego outside of Bionicle.



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