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It's Four Am

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Helloooo everybodyyy. 8D Why aren't you sleeeeeping?


'Cause sleep, it's good for you. Better than a trainload of broccoli! Faster than a speeding snowman! Able to leap skyscrapers in a single bound! Best thing since slices tomatoes!


Now never mind that I'm not getting it, everyone knows that once you turn seventeen, you don't need sleep anymore. It's just like a bicycle helmet except you can't wear it and it looks silly on your bike. So get off your bike and go to bed and come back and read this in the morning, unless it is morning, in which case it never hurts to take a nap and come back later. Or unless you enjoy sleeping on top of your bike, in which case I heartily applaud you.


Did you know that 46% of all hamsters make up percentages on the spot? It's true! And that's only half the money you could be saving with Geico! But furthermore, it's been clinically proven that every person who ate stewed carrots during the 1700's ended up dead! Keep that in mind, moms!


As for EVE and Wall-E, they're doing great, thank you for asking, and they hope you're well also.


But the main point of this entry, the greatest lament of the era, is Spongebob. His house. His house. He lives in a pineapple.


In case this means nothing to you, allow me to hastily add that pineapples top the randomness chart. They rank nearly as high as armadillos and pie amongst randomness lovers, and are highly esteemed in many circles, including the well-renowned produce aisle.


The fact that it is being used for such a common and lowly usage as a house disgusts pineapple lovers everywhere. Why not a watermelon!? Why not a toaster? Why not a sneaker!? Why a pineapple!?


Hence, we at long last come to the final conclusion and request your signatures and the legal rights to forge them onto our petition to give Spongebob an eviction notice so the pineapple can once again be placed on its pedestal of highly ranked honor.


Tahu would be proud.





P.S. Happy Half-Priced Chocolate Day Eve!


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Did you know that 99.9% of all gerbils are actually plotting to overthrow humanity as supreme creatures on the Earth? It's true! They plan to start with their "owners" who they are causing to think they are superior, and then the neighbor hood, then the city, then the county, then the state, then the region, then the country, then the continent, then the world! =O

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I'm too astounded by the fact that you actually made a blog entry to make any sense of what you just said. :P

Man, what're you talkin' about? I understood almost every word of this!

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1: Trainloads of broccoli are not good for you. They will make your skin green, your hair go away, and little branches will grow out of your head! D8

2: Sleeping on top of your bike is the ultimate trick. Not too may who try it survive, though...

3: I knew carrots were evil. :angry:

4: So, where are Wall-E and EVE living now? I mean, EVE kinda blew a hole in the cieling of the truck.

5: Curse that pineapple! Everyone who's watched The Brave Little Toaster knows that toasters are FTW!


~ :t: :a: :r: :k: :a: :n: :a:

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Ah.....I was up texting and playing games on on my cell phone in bed....while listening to...you guessed it! one of my Relient K CDs! :P lol

And being happily yet more lonely..ishly....single this year :D lol

Plus...Valentine's day is aa lot easier alone. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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ARGH. I was awake at 12:00. That'd be 3:00 to you. I should've SAID something. ARGH.


Or, maybe not, considering the mental state I was in. A sort of "SSAGSHJAGHGHJGGF"-y state.


Or, maybe it would've been better that way. ARGH.













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I'm too astounded by the fact that you actually made a blog entry to make any sense of what you just said. :P

Man, what're you talkin' about? I understood almost every word of this!

I could. I'm just too astounded by the fact that Turaks actually blogged. :P

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Hate to make a serious reply to a less-than entry, but oh, well.


Spongebob's house is based on a pineapple for the same reason the Krusty Krab is shaped like a treasure chest, Squidward's house is shaped like a Moai statue, and Patrick's house is shaped like a rock... well, is a rock-- all important buildings in the show, or at least several, are based on common fishtank/aquarium ornaments. Always thought it to be pretty cute myself, even if it's not consistently maintained everywhere in the show. But hey, it's a cartoon, I shouldn't be taking it this seriously.

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This entry is incompatible with my time zone. It says you made it at 1:27 AM.


Also, pineapples are biodegradable, so if we don't hurry up on that, it'll be ruined. :(

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What's wrong with Spongebob living in a pineapple? Face it, if he lived in a giant apple you would try to get rid of that and say he should live in a pineapple.


I watch Spongebob more than I watch Veggietales, so, by default, Spongebob > Veggietales.

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so, by default, Spongebob + Veggietales < New Star Trek Movie Trailer



Fix'd again.

Third and final time.


Wrong. This is that last time it shall be fix'd

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so, by default, Spongebob + Veggietales < New G.I Joe movie.



Fix'd again.

Third and final time.


Wrong. This is that last time it shall be fix'd

I owned you.

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so, by default, Spongebob + Veggietales < Transformers 2 + New Star Trek



Fix'd again.

Third and final time.


Wrong. This is that last time it shall be fix'd

I owned you.


This will be the last time it gets fix'd, okey-dokey?

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