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Today I Bought Monkey Bread




All I've been doing is school and chores. School and homework. Been at home, or at college. Or at work. And work again.

So this morning slept in! And it was awesome. And I decided that I would go out today!

And this, dear reader, was TERRIBLY exciting.

But I have no money (Read: I've paid my school bills and have to fill up my car), so I went to the St. Vincent De Paul thrift shop in town. I looked aaaaall over the place, didn't find anything to buy. Rather disappointing trip!

So then I went to the store to buy flowers for my family for Valentine's. Well, the flowers they had left were icky. Dying, wilting, browning. Forget those. They're not worth half that price tag!

So I went to the bakery. Behold!! 40% off day-old breads and pastries and cakes!!

I bought sugared ring donuts and Monkey Bread. :3 Spent $5, and had fun. (Did I mention I tried on three pretty dresses at St. Vinnie's? I did! It was fun, even if they didn't fit.)

OH, and we found my lost book at the Lost & Found at the YMCA!!! HOORAY I have my book back. ^_^

Ohx2, the mechanic fixed my car. It hasn't shimmied or shaken uncontrollably all week - and my dad paid for it! :o He wouldn't even tell me what it cost. <3


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