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To Avoid Nasty Pms. Also, A Fun Comic!



So I got one of those icky PMs this morning. Blargh. But over here, Kex gives suggestions as how to avoid these PMs at all! It's common sense, really.


Another thing: After I opened the PM and freaked, I clicked on the member's name to get to his profile page. He was listed as 'banned'. If I had seen his profile first, before opening the PM, his banned status would have tipped me off and I never would have opened the PM in the first place. He had been found out before I even saw the message, and I could have avoided seeing it altogether.






Now kids, protect your Personal Message boxes, avoid icky stuff, and go see that little picture I put below to see something completely different. I edited Bionicle comic #1. It's silly. It will make you smile. :D




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