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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Article 21b & 39-42



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The yet again revised twenty-first article proposed by RingMaster Zee, Toa Zahaku, & Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that a small population of Makuta managed to survive Teridax's slaughter of their species inadvertently. They were in fact actually retreating from the Order of Mata Nui's assault on the Isle of Destral when they fled into the "Zone of Darkness" with the aid of a prototypical weapon known as the "Dark Portal Cannon". There they remained, beyond the scope of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, for an undetermined length of time before returning to "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", again with the aid of the "Dark Portal Cannon", yet without knowledge that their leader's plan had succeeded, nor of his betrayal of their brethren.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The thirty-ninth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that the "Dark Portal Cannon", be considered a one-of-a-kind object in "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe". This prototypical weapon was forged in the Brotherhood of Makuta's secret skunkworks, beneath the Isle of Destral, during the Dark Hunter War, and was intended to be a means of eliminating vast numbers of Dark Hunters.


Its' large central cannon fired bursts of shadow energy that upon striking their target open voids into the "Zone of Darkness", sucking the unfortunate beings inside, where they are at the mercy of the monstrous contents of the shadowy area beyond. In addition to the moveable central cannon, it boasts four powerful missile launchers and five sub-machine guns located in a ring around the main turret. Five large docking claws secure the unit and also protecte the cannon when retracted. The entire apparatus is about the size of a Toa, and is mounted on a rotating base on the floor, making it capable of being moved to various arms installations.


After "The Shadowed One" and his legions attacked the facility, the Makuta engineers abandoned the project, leaving the fully functional prototype to gather dust. There it remained until the fateful day the Order of Mata Nui attacked the Makuta Stronghold, forcing the few remaining survivors to retreat deep within the bowels of island, at which time the "Dark Portal Cannon" became their only means of escape.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The fortieth article proposed by Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" that not all subspecies of Visorak, including but not limited to the children of Gorgorak on the Isle of Terra Nui, were affected by "Heart of the Visorak", and thus many escaped destruction and are still widespread throughout "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-first article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" several of each known subspecies of Visorak survived destruction, along with a small population of Makuta within "Zone of Darkness", after having been trapped there as a result of being test subjects during the early developmental stages of the prototypical weapon known as the "Dark Portal Cannon", and thus eventually returned to "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" along with the aforementioned surviving Makuta.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The forty-second article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there are Kanohi known as Cryalis (KRIGH-uh-liss), the Great Mask of Elemental Conversion, which allow the user to temporarily transform into a single aspect of their Element.


Examples would be a Toa of Lightning briefly becoming a "lightning bolt" or a Toa of Ice momentarily turning into "hail".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all five articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, March 23rd, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will now be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM, just as it always has. ;)




UPDATE: Article 21b has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", also

Articles 39, 40, & 41 have all passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 42 failed to pass due to a "VETO" and the polls are now closed.




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I vote Aye to all stated Articles. Another good day of work. I must say, being in C.I.R.C.L.E. certainly allows for alot of respect in the Epic Community.



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I vote "AYE" to all stated Articles. ;)


Also, didn't I also propose Article 21b? :huh: Not being picky, but just checking. :P



Im pretty sure that you did propose this in the dark portal cannon's topic but i also pmed ausar if it would be a article.

Anyways, Nay toarticle 42 but Aye to the rest.


Toa Zahaku

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Although I remain opposed to the idea of Makuta having survived in any fashion I chose to vote "AYE" on Article 21b purely because of the creative mechanism it employs, and by the same argument I'll also vote "AYE" on Articles 39-41.


Unfortunately I can't say the same for the next proposal, because I "VETO" Article 42. :shrugs:


I can't imagine how a Kanohi Cryalis would work on a Toa of {Insert Word Here} Control because their Element is not the Rahi, Insects, or Weather, but rather the control over those forces, furthermore, what would a Toa of Quick Healing become, or a Toa of Fate? How about Gravity or Magnetism or Hunger or Mind Reading or Shattering? It's simply not a feasible mask power in my estimation.

  • P.S. Although I accept the notion that
was the first to openly suggest the use of the Dark Portal Cannon as a mechanism for Article 21b, I can't be certain what was or wasn't in
Benevolent Ballom
's mind at the time of the weapon's creation, thus when he asked me to write this article I made the executive decision to give him credit for the proposal of Article 21b, which expands upon
RingMaster Zee
's initial Article 21, that was recently modified by
Toa Zahaku
's Article 21a.



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I voted "Aye" to Article 42, because we have seen a similar power used by Umbra. Also the Article merely states that the Kanohi exists, its power doesn't need to be an universal-one-size-fits-all for that.
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Oh, believe me Toa Talvak, I understand completely where he got the idea from, I'm just saying that unless it works for all the various elements then it shouldn't be part of "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


Can anybody please tell me what a Toa of Mind Reading would become? Or even something canon like a Toa of Gravity? What about a Toa of Magnetism?


Seriously, a Kanohi should work universally for all Toa, regardless of their Element, thus I may have to "VETO" this article.


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In response to your question, I would say that said Toa would become a sentinent entity of the element.

For instance, a Toa of Gravity would literally become a living, intangible force of gravity, able to pull things closer to him/her through their gravitational pull.

In the same aspect, I would say that the Kanohi Cryalis is like a Kanohi Iden put in the form of the use actually becoming their Element. ;)



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Like Kohila said, a Toa using the Kanohi Cryalis would become a living physical manifestation of his or her Element. Simple as that.


To answer your question, Toa of Mind Reading probably would become a being of mental energy.


P.S. This discussion is making me feel we should define exactly what a "C.I.R.C.L.E Universe" Element is and how it is used.

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Yeah, but how can you become a physical manifestation of rahi control, it would make sense for the elements such as fire, plasma and the like

so im changing my vote to NAY, sorry but Ausar does have a point.

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Then you would become a living manifestation of Rahi Control, able to waver a Rahi to do your every whim. :)



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For the Rahi Control element, at least, the user of the Kanohi could take a nearby rahi as a 'host', as long as he concentrates.
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Although there is certainly still time for me to muster the necessary votes to defeat Article 42, I have in fact edited my primary post to reflect the "VETO" of said proposal should I unfortunately fail to garner enough support. :shrugs:


Furthermore, the Article does not clearly state that users of the Kanohi Cryalis become "living physical manifestations" of their element as a whole, nor does is it in any way reasonable to assume that nearby objects become "hosts" to some sort of conversion from the proposal as it was initially described to me, thus I cannot support either of those explanations.


Lastly, it is somewhat well known that many of us "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" have been working off my "Unofficial List of Forty C.I.R.C.L.E. Elemental Tribes", however judging from Toa Talvak's recent comments, it appears that it may be time to move towards making them official. :unsure:


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Then why don't you just revise the Article to specify that?:shrugs:


I only bring up the Elements issue because the Kanohi power in question works fine for all canon Elements, but not for all "C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements". It seems to me that this is more a flaw in the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements" than a flaw in the mask power.

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So what do you want us to do with the C.I.R.C.L.E. elements if there are flaws in them, because i would not change my element at all.

Ausar, you know what i think we should all do, is discuss this topic untill we come to an agreement then vote on it again.


Toa Zahaku

P.S By we i mean the whole of C.I.C.R.L.E

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That's exactly why I'm vetoing it, so that we can have a serious discussion before voting on it again.


Also, personally I don't think that the Kanohi Cryalis really works very well for Gravity, Magnetism, or Sonics, all of which are canon elements.


Furthermore, if the Element of Plant Control is canon, then the possibility of their being the Element of Rahi Control is at such a very high probability that three of the founding members of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." independently chose it as their personal power, however there is no way that the proposed Kanohi would work for said Element.


Anyway, all of this debate proves my point that more discussion is needed, particularly since the author of the proposal has yet to weigh-in on the subject.


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Actually, in BIONICLE Adventures #7, the Toa Metru faced both a creature made of Fire and a creature made of Sonics. I fail to understand why the Kanohi Cryalis wouldn't work in a similar way. It transmutes the wearer into whatever Element he or she creates, or in other words the wearer becomes his or her Element. This is the reason it won't work for any Control Element, nothing is created.


The Element of Plant Life is a canon. Plant Control is a power. A Makuta power. Rahi Control is a Makuta power. Weather Control is a Makuta power. A vast majority of C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements are based off of Makuta powers without really considering what an Element is. An Element is any force of nature that can be created, controlled, and absorbed by Toa. If it doesn't fit all these requirements, it can't be wielded by a Toa and is therefore not an Element.

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Well, your point about Adventures #7 doesn't apply here because that's not what RingMaster Zee said the Kanohi Cryalis does, rather that's what Kohila suggested it might do.


In actuality the article states that the user temporarily transforms into a single aspect of their Element, and there is no mention of that aspect being a sentient entity anywhere in the proposal, none whatsoever.


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But toa talvak, Greg F has said before that the only thing that can create life is the ignika or a being cursed by the ignika and creating plantlife is creating life isnt it?

Ill pm Zee now to see what he thinks on this subject

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