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Recovery/spring Wind Blowing Through My Hair



What a gorgeous day. I have both windows open and the breezes mix so wonderfully with the sunshine. :)


I'm thrilled to see that the profiles and Blogs are untouched! I was really panicked for a second. I only lost a few posts and two topics - one of which I was able to retrieve thanks to a Google-search cache. I might post that in S&T again later. I'll have to get my comic (there is a dead thumbnail link below) re-posted up in Artwork III laterz, too.


BTW, How to Recover Topics, by Lewa0111. Macku: Toa of Bubbles also noted a way to improve the search on Google for your lost topics in there, just a few posts down. It won't work for ALL topics, but you can probably find something you've lost.


Now go out there and get busy rebuilding! ^_^ Have fun, peeps, be good, thank the staff, appreciate them, and save everything you like onto your hard drive. Every page of everything. All you have to do is go to the top-right corner, click 'file', and click 'save page as...' Then you can save it in a folder or on your desktop. Dooo. Iiiit. Remember, if the topic has more than one page, you'll have to save those pages individually!

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