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If It Goes Without Saying...



.... then pleeeeease. Allow it to go unsaid. Why even bother yourself? Is that not the whole point? It needn't to be said. That is how it is. So while everyone is thinking it, everyone else knows everyone else is thinking it, so nobody has to say it - because everyone's thinking it. And that, dear friends, is why it goes without saying.


... Until, of course, someone goes and says it. Then someone pulls and annoying, pointless adage out of their linty pocket. Yeah, that's it. A SPAM adage. Or, moreso, a Stupid Pointless Annoying Adage. ... SPAA?







... So let sleeping dogs lie. And yes, 'lie' is the grammatically correct form of the word. Unless someone put the dog there. Then they would have laid a dog to rest. And that's no lie.


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