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Some Like It Hoth



It's times like this that I wish I watched TV shows like Lost and Heroes. Well, we're talking about Lost right now, but Heroes looks cool too so I thought I'd throw that in there. I just don't watch TV (save Stargate) and I feel I miss out on things my friends like when things like this come up.


Anyway, apparently tonight's episode of Lost has Hoth in the title (same as this entry). Cool. Unfortunately I can't watch it since I would have no idea what was going on.


But now it's in its fifth season, right, so how in the world can I play catch up? (That's 125 episodes, about. More than one episode a day if I could watch online over the summer.) I simply don't have time to watch whatever is already out there of either of those shows. Lost actually grabbed my interest when it first started, but I didn't watch TV back then (homework, content that seems to be popular in the media these days, no idea what my parents would say...) and now that I'm in college, well, it's one of those shows I can't just hop into in the middle of without knowing the background. (I'd catch snippets if my dad glanced at it, but he never became a die-hard fan either. But it was on in the middle of the week and I had homework and didn't watch TV, remember?)

(Heroes seems like a more dramatic take at X-Men. I think I'd like the first season but it's probably gone in a different direction than I'd expect now.)




-CF :kakama:


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You could read summaries? =/

Or just watch the episodes, and skip through parts.


I'm not a fan of either though [Don't watch TV at all basically. @_@], but I have watched through a season of nostalgic TV shows online in about a week.

But those episodes are an hour long, right?

And your busy, I'm assuming.


I guess either find a new show, still don't watch either, do the summaries thing [Like Cramming for a TV class!], or use your time slowly.


There really needs to be abridged versions of shows these days.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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You could read summaries? =/

Or just watch the episodes, and skip through parts.


I'm not a fan of either though [Don't watch TV at all basically. @_@], but I have watched through a season of nostalgic TV shows online in about a week.

But those episodes are an hour long, right?

And your busy, I'm assuming.


I guess either find a new show, still don't watch either, do the summaries thing [Like Cramming for a TV class!], or use your time slowly.


There really needs to be abridged versions of shows these days.


[-The Alchemyst-]



Yeah, I don't watch TV at all basically either. Stargate was my exception, after my parents started watching that I got hooked, otherwise I wouldn't be watching that [online now].


Find a new show? Well, I tried to get into Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, but alas, I don't have time. That, or I realized I can watch it on Hulu, and right now if I'm playing catch up on TV, I'm watching Stargate. I guess I could wait for a new series and then find friends to hang out with and watch with...but that gets tricky.


LOL, summaries and craming...lol. (Yes, Lost is an hour long, as is Heroes and many late-night, popular shows. I was surprised The Office is only half an hour long...)



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Why does everybody I hear say it's probably like X-Men just because it's a bunch of people with different powers? They're not the only group of superheroes. Besides, the characters work together less like a team than the X-Men... not to mention, it's pretty clear who's on what side in the X-Men, what with the yellow spandex and all. :P


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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Personally, I got bored with Lost. Others said it got more interesting in the forth season, but I'd already dropped it.


You don't need to know too much about Heroes... they have plenty of little things to appease the watchers of all seasons (for example, the identity of Rebel), but the average viewer only needs to be following the latest volume to understand what's going on. I haven't been very impressed with that last few episodes, but pretty much anything with Hiro and Ando is good. :P


And, yeah, even though I have a TV the only shows I really follow are Chuck, Heroes, and Scrubs, and the channels they premier on are usually having technical difficulties, so I watch most of them online...



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LOST is the second best TV show I have ever watched (Scrubs will forever be my favorite).


You can watch every episode of LOST streaming in HD on ABC's website.


That's how I caught up this summer.

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I saw this blog entry title and I got this weird mental picture of Jack Lemmon on a wampa chasing Marilyn Monroe on a Taun taun. :wacko:
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I keep trying to watch Heros but I never really got the chance since it's on the same night I have Boy Scout Meetings.


That might have also been half my problem...same here.


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I saw this blog entry title and I got this weird mental picture of Jack Lemmon on a wampa chasing Marilyn Monroe on a Taun taun. :wacko:

^This one.


And don't bother with Heroes. First season rocked. Second season SUCKED. Third was so convoluted and overwritten that I doubt even the writers understood it. Fourth is okay. Not quite as convoluted as the third. =/

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LOST is must-see. Watch it however possible.

I know someone that caught up in less than a week... it's that addicting. But I've missed the last three episodes. =/

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I keep trying to watch Heros but I never really got the chance since it's on the same night I have Boy Scout Meetings.


That might have also been half my problem...same here.


EGAD Same here. T_T

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