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Week 35 Winner / Week 36 Picture

Takuma Nuva


Well, first matter first as always. The winner for the caption part of the contest is, once again, Gerlicky!


As for the second part where I was accepting submissions for this week's picture? Well, nobody won.


Nobody sent one in.


So I'm just gonna have to throw together something lame again.




Carth Onasi's "Don't Attract Attention" plan didn't work so well with an eager Glatorian on the team...




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There were submissions? :blink: odd, i never knew that. You want one?


Anyway, caption;


Carth: Wait a second. I hear something....

Gresh: Heeeeeerrreeee's Greeesshhh!!!!

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I won?




Funny, I felt like I didn't deserve that one. And when I thought of the results, I thought "Xaeraz." Then, I'd rant "IQUITIQUITIQUITIQUIT :burnmad: " The results turned up... unexpected. Glad I won, though. I'd probably have made a picture, except the only photo skills I have are with Brawl and I don't know Photoshop, though I might start making graphics with it. Maybe you can start the contest again, since I have a DSi with editing software. I figure there's nothing a good color change can't do.




When he heard the Sith were going to destroy his home of Tesara, Gresh decided to take a stand and put his Solid Snake impersonation to use.

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