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Centipede Sisters

Watashi Wa


So I have a book report due tomorrow, and I still have to read the -entire- book. Lovely.


On another note, work called, and I'm finally scheduled to work some hours this week! After about two weeks of not working, I'm going in on Thursday from 5:30PM-9:30PM and Saturday from 11PM AM - 5PM.


Went to some Youth Leadership Conference today. Totally better than sitting in school the whole day. A few interesting people got up there and told us their stories and whatnot. I even won a $45 gift certificate to Carrabba's. Now I just need a hot date to take with me.


Now to read that daggum book...


And while I've got your attention, check out this awesome topic.


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Pfah. I have to do a history research project (which I haven't researched yet), complete an English paper (that isn't started), and do biology homework (about things I don't know).


I'll beat anybody in procrastination, I'll tell ya :P

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October doesn't sound good for you either, having to work backwords... I mean, what if there's a bump and you don't see it? I think procrastination is like a very contagious, uncurable sickness. It spreads through out schools/work places, and there is nothing we can do about it :P . And just like you guys, I'm procrastinating too, there's a book I need to read before Wednesday >.< . The Great Gatsby, classic novel by Mr. Fitzgerald. It looks good though.


Hehe, you said daggum :lol: . That must be a southern word :P .

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You should know. You live in Louisiana.


Exo wins the weekly procrastination award. I'd throw you some confetti, but you know...I'll do it later. :P

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I spent the past two weeks doing four weeks of school. Seriously.


Figure that one out.


Oh, and I love the album at the top of your albums content block. Woot for Anberlin! =D

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I spent the past two weeks doing four weeks of school. Seriously.


Figure that one out.


Oh, and I love the album at the top of your albums content block. Woot for Anberlin! =D


Wootage, indeed. I belive Anberlin is playing somewhere close to me soon, I'd like to go, but I don't thuink I'll be able to make it..


Figure this one out:


I did two years of school in one year. :o

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