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Can't Win The Kentucky Derby If You Leave Your Prize Stallion In The Stable!



Family just got back from a trip to Kentucky - the Creation Museum, to be exact. Second time going there. We got to listen to some cool speakers, see the exhibits again, and I spent a hunk of money on three huge ancient history books. 8D


It was a lot warmer in Kentucky than it is here at home. Nearly 20 degrees warmer. *pulls on blouse* Kentucky is beautiful; so many trees, you Kentuckians have a beautiful state with nice air. And here I thought Wisconsin had tons of trees. We observed an alarming lack of horses and white fences, though. Not nearly enough where we were visiting. ;)


Also, my grades are in!








GPA 4.0, raised my overall GPA to 3.9.

*is too tired to squeal, so simply sighs and grins in extreme happiness*

I hate college, but it's nice to know I can do it just fine anyway.


Also #2: I start my new job tomorrow! Factory job, at a good company, full time second shift. It means I will have lots of money for school next year and absolutely no social life. Hmmm. But I am one of the lucky ones to have a job, so thank you God, and please help me to not go crazy in this new environment. Amen!



*goes to unpack her duffel bag and give her books places on the bookshelf* One of them is by Isaac Newton. ^_^


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