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Of Mice And Men

Watashi Wa


So, is it possible to pretty much love someone even though you haven't met the person before? Cause it seems that way to me. I wish I lived in New Jersey...


And I had to alphabatize a whole shelf of books at work today. My neck hurts from looking sideways.


And my fingers are bleeding from a recent uprising in the forums. Ain't it fun being an FA?


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Yes. The mind is something very different from the body, and if you can learn to love the mind then you may have a better relationship than most.


But beware. Online different persona's come out, someone may seem outgoing and passionate online but be passive and indifferent in real life. Make sure you know the real them not a persona.


Speakin' from experience here.



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DNA is a lovely person.

And Janus is right, I suppose. After being in a relationship with someone whom I can see everyday, I find it hard to see how long-distance ones can work out. But I know people who have done it.

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I experienced the same thing Watashi Wa, the best you can do is just leave it at an online relationship. Janus is right when it comes to poeple being different online. I once thought I was indeed in love but began to think it would never happen, or maybe the person was not as good as they were online. We both knew how what each other looked like, but the problem was how it would be offline.


Hope you find a way to figure something out. I did.



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Your banner and av. <3 As Cities Burn


Bloodsucker pt. 2 oowwnsss.

I was originally gonna make my av and banner Never Take a Friendship Personal, but I decided it was weird to have a stone man with blue flowers growing out of the right hemisphere of his head in my sig. =P

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