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How about this for a name: Crucible of the Elements?


Yes I know it sucks. Feel free to make fun of it and change it.



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I've contemplated joining a BZP RPG several times, but never did because they're too big...


That's exactly why I haven't joined any of the RPG's.


If you guys don't mind, I'd like to possibly join your group for the BZRPG. I tried out an RPG on the forum for one of my favorite book series, and had a lot of fun. (Before I logged out, and forgot my password.)


The reboot looks like its going to be great.




EDIT: MX, that sounds like a good name.

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I'll join you guys. I have a pre-approved organization. If you guys like the jist of it, then that'll be it. Or I could just make two chars. You guys decide for me:




Unless you are the employer or a member, the only time you shall ever see any of the Blood is only seconds before you are nothing more than a corpse. They work for pleasure. And for money. Simple, yet extensively deadly. Don't do anything to become a target, or you will most likely pay. The Blood is located near the outskirts of New Metru-Nui.

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How about "The BZBeatles (And a bunch of other people?"


In all seriousness, why don't we become an organization designed just to cause chaos? Kind of like the Joker?

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How about "The BZBeatles (And a bunch of other people?"


In all seriousness, why don't we become an organization designed just to cause chaos? Kind of like the Joker?


That's exactly what we're doing. You got it on the nail, Snoopy. :P

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How about "The BZBeatles (And a bunch of other people?"


In all seriousness, why don't we become an organization designed just to cause chaos? Kind of like the Joker?


That's exactly what we're doing. You got it on the nail, Snoopy. :P


yyaaaaaaaayy! :D


Here's my old character's profile.



Type: Makuta

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black, with shades of dark green. His Kanohi is an Akaku

Weapon: Long, black staff with an axe blade on one end and a small, sharp point on the other. He added a Cordak Blaster in Po-Metru.

Powers: Along with mask power, he has has all 42 Kraata powers, but likes using electricity and weather the most. His main weakness is light.


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How about "The BZBeatles (And a bunch of other people?"


In all seriousness, why don't we become an organization designed just to cause chaos? Kind of like the Joker?


That's exactly what we're doing. You got it on the nail, Snoopy. :P


yyaaaaaaaayy! :D


Here's my old character's profile.



Type: Makuta

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black, with shades of dark green. His Kanohi is an Akaku

Weapon: Long, black staff with an axe blade on one end and a small, sharp point on the other. He added a Cordak Blaster in Po-Metru.

Powers: Along with mask power, he has has all 42 Kraata powers, but likes using electricity and weather the most. His main weakness is light.

From what Velox has said, it seems Makuta aren't allowed, so you might have to change that . . .




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How about "The BZBeatles (And a bunch of other people?"


In all seriousness, why don't we become an organization designed just to cause chaos? Kind of like the Joker?


That's exactly what we're doing. You got it on the nail, Snoopy. :P


yyaaaaaaaayy! :D


Here's my old character's profile.



Type: Makuta

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black, with shades of dark green. His Kanohi is an Akaku

Weapon: Long, black staff with an axe blade on one end and a small, sharp point on the other. He added a Cordak Blaster in Po-Metru.

Powers: Along with mask power, he has has all 42 Kraata powers, but likes using electricity and weather the most. His main weakness is light.


Wait, we're allowed to be Makuta?!? :o

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Also, what exactly does an Organization do? I'm not very knowledgable with the BZPRPG.



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

Well, our organization will just be to cause chaos. =P


I'll join you guys. I have a pre-approved organization. If you guys like the jist of it, then that'll be it. Or I could just make two chars. You guys decide for me:




Unless you are the employer or a member, the only time you shall ever see any of the Blood is only seconds before you are nothing more than a corpse. They work for pleasure. And for money. Simple, yet extensively deadly. Don't do anything to become a target, or you will most likely pay. The Blood is located near the outskirts of New Metru-Nui.

I dunno... That's a little too... deadly. We're more of an attack and plunder sort. I'll talk with NM about it, though.


How about "The BZBeatles (And a bunch of other people?"


In all seriousness, why don't we become an organization designed just to cause chaos? Kind of like the Joker?

No on your first point [=P], but you are exactly right on your second. We're just a bunch of Jokers. =P


Oh, and no, I don't think we're allowed to be Makuta. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.



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Makuta are allowed, or at least they have been for past year.


Oh, and we already had/have a group designed just to cause chaos in this past/current arc. In fact, they were/are the main antagonists. I would suggest a different theme for this reboot, but you can do what you want. :P

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Yeah, maybe we should add a more definate goal to our agenda. We can keep causing chaos on the list, but we should have something else.



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There shall be no more lieutenants admitted. Now that we have a nice even ten in the organization, Velox and Myself have agreed that further joiners will be lesser in rank to you first eight.



-Toa Velox

-Nuju Metru






-Gukko Force Captain



-I'm not Toa of Dancing


Also, an idea for our army's name: The Agents of Chaos. You know, like the Joker claims to be. :P

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Princess Cadea ~ So is that a yes?


And, I apologize. I guess Makuta are allowed. =P


And, yeah, we may have another goal. Those things will be worked out between Nuju Metru and me, and then passed on to the Lieutenants to see if you all agree.


And, I like that name, Nuju, I like that name. =P


Oh, and Nuju, you put Ballom on there twice.

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Hang on, I'm pretty sure this started as mine and Velox's idea on his blog, and I only make it to lieutenant?



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

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-Gukko Force Captain




-I'm not Toa of Dancing

So I am two people now? :P




Fix'd, LOL. :lol:


And about the name: If there are any objections, say so. But if not, we shall henceforth be known as the Agents of Chaos. >:D


Eeks: We'll see... I'll discuss it with Velox, and you talk to him, too, and we'll clear things up. :)


And Princess Cadea, you do know that you won't be a Lieutenant if you join, right?

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Hmm... Agents of Chaos sounds like an okay name. But I makes us sound like some crazy group of retarded guys who are trying to destroy the universe. Maybe "The Chaos" would be better?

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Hmm... Agents of Chaos sounds like an okay name. But I makes us sound like some crazy group of retarded guys who are trying to destroy the universe.


But that's EXACTLY what we want to do! :P


Besides, "The Chaos" sounds kinda corny, IMO... Agents of Chaos just rolls off the tongue better.

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Hang on, I'm pretty sure this started as mine and Velox's idea on his blog, and I only make it to lieutenant?



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

Well, me and Nuju Metru were talking about it a while ago, but we'll see what we can do. We're discussing it at the moment. :]



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