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Small Town Win



Folks, living in an almost-small town is GREAT, I tell ye!


My family's house is at the bottom of the town's Ski hill - well actually, it's a Snowboard hill now - and there's a bunny hill right next to it. The bunny hill goes straight into our backyard (and into our blackberry bushes). But the bunny hill has never been used as long as we've been living here.


Just last week we got word that the town was gonna open up the bunny hill for sledders - and this means that we would have people cutting through our yard or sledding all the way through our yard, into our trees or our blackberry bushes. (Not to mention they'll shred their inflatable tubes when they do so!)


My parents were not at all happy. Dad marched right into the City Hall and informed the people there that they HAD to put up a fence or tires or something at the bottom of the hill right before our property, because frankly we don't wanna deal with the riffraff.



And it worked for several reasons:

1. My dad gets things done. Always.

2. My brother and sister worked at the Ski lodge last winter and are returning this year (City is pleased with their work)

3. Lady who works in the City Hall is our next-door-neighbor. We get along great, and she knows what the hill looks like in relation to our back yard.

4. The man they sent over to survey the property was Dennis - who is the husband of a woman my mother knows very well! So my mom introduced Dennis to my dad and they got along famously.



The fence was put up this morning and everybody couldn't be happier. Small town WIN.


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I'm only slightly jealous of you. :P


One question from the city-boy, is a bunny hill actually for bunnies or is that just what you call it?

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I'm only slightly jealous of you. :P


One question from the city-boy, is a bunny hill actually for bunnies or is that just what you call it?

A "bunny hill" is typically a reference to a ski slope that is quite small in size and intended for beginners.

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How right Than is. Although we do have LOTS of bunnies around here, Emzee, and they certainly spend some time on the hill.


BTW Dad did call the City to thank them. ^_^

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Those in the city also don't get great big backyards backyards, with space and ski hills on them. :psychotwitch:

No, you see, that's why you go to other people's backyards who have all the space so that their family has to go complain to City Hall. It works perfectly!

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Those in the city also don't get great big backyards backyards, with space and ski hills on them. :psychotwitch:

No, you see, that's why you go to other people's backyards who have all the space so that their family has to go complain to City Hall. It works perfectly!


And then your friend would be the one making silly blog entries and we'd start this whole thing over again. xD


Your Loving Dearest - yeah, not everybody can live in a small town (or a big city). Lucky for me mine's next door to bigger ones, and I've got my car. ^_^


Got that right, BioRaptor! :D I know people, who know people (who bury the bodies in New Jersey.)

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