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March Forth And Conquer



After carefully assessing the situation in RPGC16, I have come to a conclusion. We fans of Villainous are at a very tricky spot. My apologies for such a long absence. *glares at computer and myriad of viruses* Now, in order to pull this off, guys we'll need all hands on deck. We will need to cross the Bridge and break through a Tangled Web while listening to a Midnight Requiem for a dream.


Who's with me?


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Not too fond of the Bridge myself. As I said in my review, and as many more have said, the two universe are too separate. There doesn't seem to be any connection. And does The Captain go and fix this problem? No. He just gives assurances that it will all come together. That sets off warning bells to me because A.) it implies that Bridge will be highly story-led, just like the Gate was, and everything will be done by Captain's charries while we players just tag along for the ride. And B.) he's unwilling to trim his RPG down so he can fit in a few goals or connections in. He seems to be so convinced of his RPG's perfection that he refuses to change a single word of it.


So come the polls I won't be voting for the Bridge, no matter how dolled up and pretty it is

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By that I'm going to assume he's either on our side or just not on the enemy's side. *marches around in full battle armor before a HAtD banner* We have a tough battle ahead of us. There are several RPGs that stand a good chance of winning, and while ours is among them, we can not allow ourselves to fall to overconfidence! Now if you haven't already, get out there and vote! If you have, advertise! We need all the support we can get! Are you with me?!



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Good, because I wasn't actually asking and have several horribly painful ways of persuading those who decide they aren't with us.


On a less intimidating note, we DO have the most votes of any RPG - I just checked. So good work, soldiers!



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